Exploring with Scientists

How DO Some Frogs Avoid Extinction ?

Grow your knowledge of amphibians and reptiles and find out what's being done to increase their populations, and how some species avoid extinction.

Join Kyle to learn about the field of herpetology. Grow your knowledge of amphibians and reptiles and find out what's being done to increase their populations, and how some species avoid extinction.

Connect with biologists and other experts. Programs are designed for elementary school students

Watch the full interview or click on the 3 lines in the top left corner to jump to one of the four sections.

Program Series Sections 1-4

Part 1: Careers in Science

Anyone can become a scientist, but did you ever wonder how some scientists got their jobs?

(7 minutes)

Part 2: All about frogs

Did you know there are more species of frogs in the world than all mammals combined?

(13 minutes)

Part 3: In the field

Take a day in the field with herpetologist, Kyle Jaynes through Ecuador.

(8 minutes)

Part 4: In the lab

How have some frogs avoided extinction? Herpetologist, Kyle Jaynes will talk about how he uses DNA samples from wild frogs to try and answer this question.

(13 minutes)

In this google folder, Exploring with Scientists Teacher Resources, you will find the documents below. You can view or create copies of each to use in your Google classroom or other virtual teaching space.

  • Program slides

  • Program Q&A

  • NGSS Standards for Program

  • Section Quizzes


Frogs National Geographic Documentary

Meet These Frogs Before They Go Extinct | National Geographic

The Glass Frog: Ultimate Ninja Dad

Draw a frog