Exploring with Scientists

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Do birds avoid noisy habitats?

Come learn about birds, noise pollution, and conservation. Elizeth will describe how she asks the question “Do birds avoid noisy habitats?” and how scientists like Elizeth study birds and other species present in an ecosystem.

Join Elizeth to learn about the field of ornithology. Grow your knowledge of birds and find out about how noise pollution can impact their populations.

Connect with biologists and other experts. Programs are designed for elementary school students

Program Series Sections 1-4

Part 1: Careers/ getting started in science

How can you become a scientist?

(5 minutes)

Part 2: Exploring scientific interest

Where can you work at as an ornithologist?

(8 minutes)

Part 3: Ornithology; fieldwork and data collection

Birds are amazing but their abundance is declining, now how do we collect data to answer a scientific question?

(15 minutes)

Part 4: What to do with the data/ what's next

Once we have collected the data, what do we do with it?

(13 minutes)

In this google folder, Exploring with Scientists Teacher Resources, you will find the documents below. You can view or create copies of each to use in your Google classroom or other virtual teaching space.

  • Program slides

  • Program Q&A

  • NGSS Standards for Program

  • Section Quizzes


Birds of Paradise

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The Messenger documentary

Draw a bird