About Me

I took early retirement in 2010, after a career spent in IT, Quality Assurance and Process Improvement, latterly with Vodafone UK, at their headquarters in Newbury, Berks.

I then took up a second career as a Public Speaker/Performer, and to date have delivered over 1,000 talks/performances, to such groups as Womens' Institutes, Townswomens' Guild, U3As, Probus, Rotary, Inner Wheel, Civil Service Retirement Groups, etc.

However, in 2022 there was a dramatic drop off in the number of groups who were contacting me to enquire about the possibility of booking one of my many talks. Therefore, I reluctantly decided that it was no longer worthwhile continuing to develop and deliver such talks.

Consequently, I will not be taking any new bookings for talks that will take place after 31st December 2023.

I will of course be honouring all existing bookings and commitments.