JVS in Action

What We Do: Our Justice Van Runs

"The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.' " Matthew 25:40

February 27, 2025

...it was a nice day when I met Dom at the Seed. PCS had dropped sandwiches and home made muffins off at my place. Linda also dropped off sandwiches and croissants  at the Seed to go along with our oranges, snacks and assorted drinks.


On Queens Ave we served Martin, Trent, Jordan , Devon, Ryan and Veronica. We headed over to the Bottle Depot on Princess Avenue.


There were a lot of tents up and people were basking in the sun. We served Marshall, Jodie, Brady. Brandon and another Brandon, Mathew, Chris, Mike , John , Maggie, Jack, Tara, Ed, Wembley, Jay, JJ, Tamara, Tess and others. We gave out lots of pairs of socks and gloves. We gave Ed a backpack and Maggie the perfect pair of runners & leggings. 


We drove further down Princess Avenue where there was a large encampment. We served Mark, Corey, Sinbad, Dare, Susie, Vicky, Dwayne, Brian, Trevor, Chris , Julie and others. We gave Dare a Justice hoodie, leggings and  a tarp. She was so happy to receive both. Susie also asked for leggings which we gave her.


I headed down to Rock Bay as I had a few sandwiches left. By the pharmacy I came across Nathan plus Chantell and Larissa. They were so happy to receive food and drinks.


We gave out all sandwiches, muffins, oranges, croissants, chips plus 95% of the cooler. It was a great night connecting. Dom loved engaging with our friends and went away very uplifted.



(Frank Woods, Executive Director)

February 25, 2025

...It was a chilly but pleasant day as I met Linnette and Megan at the Seed. Linnette brought muffins and steaming hot chocolate. Terry dropped off her sandwiches plus Edith's burgers & fries. We also had bananas, oranges, cookies, more muffins plus assorted drinks. 


It was somewhat busy on Queens Avenue by the Seed. We served Layton, Martin, Blais, Nick, CJ, Jared, Jasmine, John and Honda. People were so happy to receive warm burgers, fries and hot chocolate in particular.


We headed over to the Bottle Depot on Princess Avenue. There were lots of tents there despite bylaw having made a sweep yesterday. We served Bert, Connie, Deb,  Travis, Alli, Ryan, Dennis, Koby, Jules, Keith, Richard, Renee, Nan, Kyle, Cory, Jay, Jenny, Keith, Dylan, Shauna, Tyler and others. We gave out lots of gloves and socks. We gave Richard a blanket and Tyler a belt plus a backpack. We headed further down Princess Avenue. We came across Sinbad, Al, Dare and Julia. We gave Sinbad a hoodie as he was freezing. We also gave Dare a heavy duty sleeping bag which she was so grateful to receive. 


I noticed we had 3 muffins and 3 sandwiches left. I returned to Queens Avenue and across from the Seed were of course, 3 people. It was our friends Ernie, David and Theresa. They were so hungry and very grateful the van stopped by. 


So we gave out all burgers, fries, sandwiches, cookies, oranges, bananas and hot chocolate.  As per normal so much gratitude from the Street Community.  I sensed the Van was such a presence of love....



(Frank Woods, Executive Director)

February 23, 2025

...it was a very rainy, cold day when I met Mike at the Seed. Mike brought bananas, cookies, muffins and water, Margaret and Jennifer dropped off delicious sandwiches. We also had muffins, cookies, oranges, Nutrigrain bars, snacks and assorted drinks to give out.


Due to the horrible conditions outside, we figured most people would be taking shelter wherever they could. Outside the Seed we came across a few of our friends. We served Ernie, James, Tamara, Owen, Marshall, Rodi, Daryl and Sweetheart( yes that is who she said she is!).

Marshall asked for a tarp which we gave him. Tamara needed a winter coat which we had.


We headed over to the Bottle Depot on Princess Avenue. There were a few tents but it appeared quite quiet. We served CJ, Deeana, Doug, Deb, Jay, Bobbie, James, Dennis, Bronwyn, Amy, Steve, Sinbad, Derick, Chris and our old friend Skylar!! He told us he has not seen us in about 2 years. It was great to catch up with him. He asked for a blanket and socks which we gave him. Amy asked for sweats which we had for her. Dennis needed a sweatshirt and we had a brand new black one for him.  We gave out lots of pairs of socks as per normal.


We headed down to Rock Bay. We came across Nathan, Chris and Dare. They were so thankful we stopped for them as they were very hungry and thirsty. 


Even though there were less people outside due to the terrible weather, we served a lot of our friends. As per usual, they were so grateful and we felt a real sense of community.



(Frank Woods, Executive Director)

February 18, 2025

...it was a fairly pleasant day as I met Lance and Katherine at the Seed. This was their first time coming out with  the van. It was very quiet on Queens Avenue partially due to it being payday for some of the Street Community. Marilyn's husband dropped off Lita's and her sandwiches which looked amazing. We also had cupcakes, cookies, apples, Nutrigrain bars and assorted drinks. 


On Queen's Avenue we served Devon, Matty, Trent, CJ, Jason and John. Devon needed shoes and we gave him boots and runners which thrilled him. We also gave him socks and a blanket. John asked if I remember him asking for a tent. I told him I was given one yesterday and gave him that tent. He had the hugest smile as it was such a divine appointment. 


We headed over to Princess Avenue and the Bottle Depot. It was very busy on the street and in the Depot. People just kept coming and coming. We served Doug, Deeana, Deb, Nina, Kat, Deb, Koby, Cory, Ryan, Marshall, Rodi, Tamara, Mike, Axel, Mark, Norm, Zoltan, Yusef, Dee, Kristina, Ed, Earl, Wolf, Mano, Layton, Val, Paul, Ernie, Liz, our old friend  Chris Morgan(!), Sinbad, Kevin, Xavier, Jay, Steve, Johnny, Pierre, Derick, Alli and others. We gave Ryan a coat, Alli leggings, Layton a tarp,  Cory and Johnny blankets. We gave out so many pairs of socks as normal.


We gave out all sandwiches, apples, cupcakes, cookies and almost all the drinks. Lance commented how the Van honours everyone and the great connection we have with the Street Community. Thanks for the kind words Lance and I agree with him. Thanks to everyone that is part of this great team the Lord has assembled...


In Christ


(Frank Woods, Executive Director)

A General Comment on the JVS Runs

One of Frank’s favourite themes centres on how we often have “just enough” to meet the needs of everyone. And, as a rule, he’s pretty much right. That said, we sometimes find ourselves out of sandwiches toward the end, but the street community folks are usually quite content with a protein bar and chips, and a pop and such. 

Another side of all of this is that Frank gets “up” for it every time! He’s “on” for the entire hour or so, and I’ve never seen him act as though he wishes he were somewhere else. Thank you, Frank!!!


(Doug Kelk, Volunteer)