Seminar on p-adic geometry

In the winter semester of 2021, I gathered some friends around the world for a virtual learning seminar on p-adic geometry, following P. Scholze's Berkeley lectures [SW20].


Before March: Wednesday 8:00 @Montréal; 14:00 @Catalunya and Padova; 21:00 @Taipei

10. Mar.: Wednesday 9:00 @Montréal; 15:00 @Catalunya and Padova; 22:00 @Taipei

17. Mar. & 24. Mar.: Wednesday 9:00 @Montréal; 14:00 @Catalunya and Padova; 21:00 @Taipei

After (and included) 31. Mar.: Wednesday 9:00 @Montréal; 15:00 @Catalunya and Padova; 21:00 @Taipei


  • Talk 0 (13. Jan.): Introduction. Speaker: Ju-Feng. [SW20, Lecture 1]

  • Talk 1 (20. Jan.): Adic spaces I. Speaker: Daniele. [SW20, Lecture 2]

  • Talk 2 (27. Jan.): Adic spaces II. Speaker: Martí. [SW20, Lecture 3 & 4]

  • Talk 3 (03. Feb.): Perfectoid spaces I. Speaker: David. [SW20, Lecture 6]

  • Talk 4 (10. Feb.): Perfectoid spaces II. Speaker: Luca. [SW20, Lecture 7]

  • Talk 5 (17. Feb.): Diamonds I. Speaker: Daniele. [SW20, Lecture 8]

  • Talk 6 (24. Feb.): Diamonds II. Speaker: Ting-Han. [SW20, Lecture 9]

  • Talk 7 (10. Mar.): Diamonds III. Speaker: Luca. [SW20, Lecture 10]

  • Talk 8 (17. Mar.): Shtukas I. Speaker: David. [SW20, Lecture 11]

  • Talk 9 (24. Mar.): Shtukas II. Speaker: Ting-Han. [SW20, Lecture 12]

  • Talk 10 (31. Mar.): Shtukas III. Speaker: Francesc. [SW20, Lecture 13]

  • Talk 11 (07. Apr.): Shtukas IV. Speaker: Ju-Feng. [SW20, Lecture 14]

  • Talk 12 (14. Apr.): Drinfeld's lemma for diamonds. Speaker: Martí. [SW20, Lecture 16]

  • Talk 13 (21. Apr.): Vector bundles on the relative Fargues--Fontaine curve. Speaker: Francesc. [SW20, Lecture 22]

  • Talk 14 (28. Apr.): Moduli spaces of shtukas. Speaker: Ju-Feng. [SW20, Lecture 23]


The seminar notes are here.


[SW20] Peter Scholze and Jared Weinstein, Berkeley Lectures on p-adic Geometry: (AMS-207). Princeton University Press, 2020.


For those who are interested, check this seminar on the moduli of p-divisible groups!