Seminar on the geometric construction of p-adic L-functions à la Andreatta--Iovita

The seminar had to be terminated after the third talk due to the prevention policy of the Québec province regarding the pandemic of COVID-19.

In the winter semester of 2020, Francesc Gispert and I organised a learning seminar on the geometric construction of p-adic L-functions by following the recent papers [AI19a] and [AI19b] at Concordia University.

Time: Non-QVNTS Thursdays, 2 pm. Place: CICMA room

Tentative program

  • Talk 0. (23.Jan.) Organisation and some introduction. Speaker: Giovanni Rosso & Ju-Feng Wu.

  • Talk 1. (06. Feb.) Vector bundles with marked sections. Speaker: Ju-Feng Wu[§2 - §3.3, AI19b]

  • Talk 2. (20. Feb.) The Gauß-Mannin connection I. Speaker: Ju-Feng Wu [§3.3 - §3.5, AI19b]

  • Talk 3. (05. Mar.) Operations on the sheaves and q-expansions I. Speaker: Francesc Gispert [§3.6 - §3.7, AI19b]

  • Talk 4. (02. Apr.) Operations on the sheaves and q-expansions II. Speaker: Francesc Gispert [§3.8 - §3.9, AI19b]

  • Talk 5. (16. Apr.) The Gauß-Mannin connection II. [§3.10 - §4, AI19b]

  • Talk 6. (07. May.) The constructions of Katz type p-adic L-functions. [§5 & §6, AI19a]

  • Talk 7. (14. May.) Special values of the p-adic L-functions. [§7, AI19a]

  • Talk 8. (21. May.) Triple product p-adic L-functions of finite slope. [§5, AI19b]


The seminar notes are here.


[AI19a] Fabrizio Andreatta and Adrian Iovita. Katz type p-adic L-functions for primes p non-split in the CM field. preprint. 2019.

[AI19b] Fabrizio Andreatta and Adrian Iovita. Triple product p-adic L-functions associated to finite slope p-adic families of modular forms. preprint. 2019.