Seasonal Lighting

Initiated 2019

Johnstown has many dark spots in public spaces that can be enhanced during the winter months to create temporary features that lift community spirit.


Volunteers adorned ten trees along Metges Road with string led lights wrapped around their trunks lights. Illuminated by batteries they add a subtle sparkle to a dark stretch between 4pm and 10pm each evening.

Past Years


With the help of local residents we repeated the lights at Bailis Downs and this time Santa invited local residents to be there for the switching on. Reminiscent of people holding hands the ring of lights symbolises our community coming together even at a time when we're physically keeping apart. 


The trees off Metges Road, on the Bailis Downs green, close to the roundabout were chosen for their prominent, yet dark, location.

In early December 2020 volunteers from the Bailis Downs estate assisted us in wrapping the trees with lights. Santa made a discrete visit under Covid restrictions to switch them on.


The Taylor's of Johnstown Walking Group switched on our first sparkling seasonal white lights feature on the Johnstown roundabout.

We had originally intended to decorate the central tree but it was not healthy and was later removed in 2020.

Sustainable Development Goals

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