Semestre 2024-2
Álgebra Moderna II
Seminario de Posgrado: Representaciones de carcajes, geometría algebraica y teoría de Lie.
Past teaching
Semestre 2024-1: Álgebra Moderna I
Semestre 2023-2: Curso Avanzado de Geometría: Superficies de Riemann (junto con Daniel Labardini-Fragoso)
Semestre 2023-2: Álgebra Lineal II
At UC Davis.
Fall 2020. MAT 17C: Calculus for Biology and Medicine. (online)
Spring 2020. MAT 17C: Calculus for Biology and Medicine. (online)
Spring 2020. MAT 150C: Algebra. (online)
Spring 2020. Readings in representation theory. (online)
Winter 2020. MAT 17C: Calculus for Biology and Medicine.
Winter 2020. Readings in representation theory.
Winter 2019. MAT 17A: Calculus for Biology and Medicine.
Fall 2018. MAT 150A: Algebra.
Spring 2018. MAT 108: Introduction to abstract mathematics (2 sections).
Winter 2018. MAT 16A: Short calculus
At Northeastern University.
Fall 2015. MAT 1215: Mathematical thinking.
Summer 2014. MAT 1231: Calculus for business and economics.
Spring 2014. MAT 1215: Mathematical thinking.
Seminar notes
During my graduate studies I participated in several seminars, where we typed the notes for our lectures.
Double affine Hecke algebras. Notes for the MIT-NEU Graduate Student Seminar on Double Affine Hecke Algebras and Elliptic Hall Algebras (DAHAEHA). Spring 2017.
D-modules and the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence. Notes for the MIT-NEU Graduate Student Seminar on Hodge modules. Fall 2016.
Notes on Tannakian categories. Notes for the class "Differential equations and quantumg groups" taught by Valerio Toledano-Laredo, NEU, Spring 2016.
Introduction to Geometric Invariant Theory. Notes for the MIT-NEU Graduate Student Seminar on Moduli spaces of sheaves and K3 Surfaces Spring 2016.
Introduction to type A categorical Kac-Moody actions. Notes for the MIT-NEU Graduate Student Seminar on Affine Hecke Algebras and Hecke Algebras (AHAHA). Fall 2014.
Cluster algebras and Quantum affine algebras. Notes for the class "Cluster algebras" taught by Dylan Rupel. NEU. Spring 2014.
Rational Cherednik algebras of type A. Notes for the MIT-NEU Graduate Student Seminar on Quantum cohomology and Representation theory. Spring 2014.
D-modules on flag varieties and localization of g-modules. Notes for the MIT-NEU Graduate Student Seminar on Quantum cohomology and Representation theory. Fall 2013.