Application materials

At several occasions when I was applying for jobs, I found it incredibly helpful to look at application materials from other mathematicians (Ben Webster has an amazing compilation of these).  So here are my own application materials: hopefully they can be helpful to someone else, even if only as an example of what *not* to do.

From the 2016-17 search: (as a result of this I was a postdoc at UC Davis and received at least one more postdoc offer)

Of course, there are many things no one tells you as a student: it is very important to go to conferences, try to give (hopefully good!) talks and just talk to other people. I believe (at least at this stage) these are more important than application materials. 

From the 2019-20 search: (as a result of this, I was a postdoc at MPIM)

From the 2021-22 search: (as a result of this I have my current job at UNAM, and received at least one more TT offer)