
"Attention and Association in Animal Learning"

日 時:2019年10月13日(日)11:10-12:40

場 所:2号館1階211

講演者 Dr. Mark Haselgrove (The University of Nottingham)

司会者 Yutaka Kosaki (神前 裕) (Waseda University)


Establishing a predictive relationship between two stimuli results in both the establishment of an association between them, as well as changes in the associability and attention that they attract. I will describe a series of conditioning experiments conducted with pigeons and rats which reveals, paradoxically, that the associability of stimuli can both increase and decrease to stimuli as a function of how well they predict reinforcement. I shall then go on to describe some eye-tracking studies conducted in adult and young humans, as well as an orangutan, which reveal some of the variables that determine how associative learning influences overt attention. These studies suggest prediction, and not association, is key to changing attention through learning, and that also culture (collectivistic vs individualistic) is a moderator of the extent to which learning can change attention.

Dr. Mark Haselgroveは、The University of NottinghamのAssociate Professorで、ヒトと動物の連合学習を中心として、空間学習や物体再認、注意といった認知過程や社会的学習・模倣などに関する研究、統合失調症のような臨床的な問題への学習研究の応用など、幅広く研究をされている研究者です。今回は特に学習と注意に関して、ラットやハトをもちいた条件づけ研究から、ヒトやオランウータンの視線計測を用いた研究についてご紹介いただきます。

