Jon Asier Bárcena-Petisco
Hi. I am Jon Asier Bárcena-Petisco. I am from the Basque Country. Likewise, I am Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics of the University of the Basque Country in the field of Applied Mathematics. I obtained my PhD at the LJLL (Sorbonne University), where I did my thesis on Control Theory under the supervision of Sergio Guerrero, obtaining the prize Vicent Caselles, granted to the best 6 PhD thesis in Mathematics by Spaniards or made in a Spanish university. Currently, I am member of the Governing Board of the RSME, a co-organizer of the "Taller Virtual de la RSME" and secretary of the Youth Commision of the RSME. To know more about me, you can take a look at my CV. In my webpage, you'll find:
In "Research", a summary of my research interests and contributions.
In "Docencia", a summary of my teaching experience and my offers of Research Internship for undergraduate/master students and of Bachelor's Thesis.
In "Prensa", my most outstanding appearance in press.
In "Rincón del autodidacta", materials and tips to learn Mathematics.
In "Recomendaciones personales", links to webpages of scientific dissemination.
In "Contact", my address, e-mail and telephone.
Finally, I didn't want to conclude without presenting my Mathematical Genealogy Tree, which shows the great variety of countries where my mathematical ancestors worked.