Readability List

The readability list is here to help you find an anime, game, manga to enjoy and study based on your knowledge.

Everything you need to know on how to read and use the data will be in here.

You can see the details of how everything work in the next page, otherwise just check the recap below.

Below that you'll find the window or link for the readability tab of my spreadsheet with links for each deck.


Get the files

Configure Morphman

  • Ctrl+O. Pick what you want to analyze: select the note type, filter by tags if you want, write your field name, pick Mecab as your morphemizer, check the boxes to read, and also modify if you want to reorganize your cards.

  • Pick a name for the focus Morph at least. It's the +1 word in your sentence. Add a field with that name to your note type if it's not already done.

  • Rename the tags if you want. If you used Anki before Morphman, apply the mm_alreadyKnown tag to the cards you've already studied.

  • Check the tags to ignore redundant 0T and 1T cards, ignore what's in brackets, and names in the cards.

  • Click apply and recalc your database (Ctrl + M).

Morphman's Analyzer

  • Select the directory you want to analyze

  • Pick Japanese Mecab as your Morphemizer

  • Pick a master frequency list from my files or create your own with the word report box.

  • Pick your known database (known.db) or pick one of my premade.

  • Analyse one of my corpus to find a next title to study. Best data to use is Known Instances %.

  • Place the subtitles of the show you want to watch in a directory. Pick that directory as your input directory at the top.

  • Select a minimum master frequency list number to filter the words you want to know. Learn the most common first.

  • Select a target for the Known Instances %. Ideally at least 95%. You can aim lower if you're starting.

  • Check the box for Target Study Plan and Frequency List both.

  • Analyze, check the result in the study plan tab.

  • Close, recalc (Ctrl + M), start your deck. Press L to pick a alternate if you don't like the one picked by morphman for that specific Morph.

  • Rinse and reapeat

Jo Mako's Japanese Guide Spreadsheet