Instructions to Authors

English Korean

Established on September 20, 1983

Revised on August 21, 2020

1 (Aim)

① The contribution rules of this paper, which is issued by the Society of Korean Medical Classics[SKMC], is for publishing Journal of Korean Medical Classics[JKMC] and general terms.

2 (Issuing Frequency and Application)

① JKMC is published quarterly on 25 of February, May, August and November.

② Manuscript is received by editing committee at all times. The submitting date of manuscript shall be the date manuscript was submitted at the editing committee and the selection of manuscript shall be the date when the corrections have been completed after review.

Contribution Regulation

3 (Qualifications for Contribution)

① The qualification of contributor shall be a member of SKMC. But foreign scholars could be required or approved by the editing committee.

4 (Types of Manuscript)

① Type of manuscript is review, original article, case report, ect.

② Content of manuscript could be theory, literature research(translation included), Korean medicine education, basic & clinical experiment, Traditional medical informatics, case report, etc, which are related to traditional medical classics. In such a basic & clinical experiment, Traditional medical informatics and case report should clearly be based on medical classics.

③ In the case of clinical studies based on medical classics, sex and gender should be described separately. The research subjects should include male and female subjects and compare and analyze the results of gender/sex differences. If your study is based on a single sex, you should provide a reasonable basis.

④ In the case of a baseline experiment (cell or animal experiments) based on medical classics, you should describe source and certification of cell lines or animals, and biological characteristics. You should include subject cells or animals with equal inclusion of both genders/sexes to describe the results by gender/sex differences. If your study is based on a single sex, you should provide a reasonable basis.

5 (Copyright)

① All manuscripts submitted cannot be returned and the copyright on all manuscripts published on our paper is owned by SKMC.

② All authors should follow ethical policy of SKMC. The ethics committee could cancel the publication of ethical problem in submitted manuscript and published article.

③ All authors should submit an author’s checklist, a copyright transfer form and a Declaration of Ethical Conduct in Research with the manuscript.

6 (Review and Publication Fee)

① Review fee of 50,000KRW is charged for all manuscripts.

② Publication fee of 190,000KRW for a paper 20 pages or less and 10,000KRW per page from the 21st page shall be charged for the manuscript approval process.

③ In case an expedient review is wanted, review fee of 100,000KRW will be charged.

④ The cost required for special printing must be paid by writer for its actual expenses.

⑤ The article of the authoritative, published by the request of SKMC, could be paid a certain amount.

⑥ Further questions are accepted by the manuscript editor.

[Address to summit] Korean Medicine Department, 65, Semyeong-ro, Jecheon-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea 27136 TEL: +82-43-649-1342, FAX: +82-43-649-1702 E-mail:

Review Regulation

7 (Role of Editing Committee)

① Editing committee manages all guidelines to scope and style of publication, number per issue, order in issue, appointment of examiner, etc.

8 (Hold of Editorial Committee)

① Chief editor holds editorial committee meeting(On-line meeting included) 4 times(or more) a year according to issue of journal.

9 (Consist of Editorial Committee)

① The editorial committee consist of 8 persons(or over) ; chief editor, executive editor, regional editing staffs, etc and 1 managing editor.

10 (The term of Editorial Membership)

① The chief and staff editors are elected to 2-year term and cloud be reappointed.

11 (Reviewers)

① 3 reviewers examine submitted manuscript.

② Reviewers are appointed by chief editor anonymously.

③ Reviewers are those ; present and former faculty at university, senior researcher at institute, experts corresponding professional field and so on.

12 (Principles of Review)

① The editorial board reviews the suitability of article, review of former research, references, logicality, originality and so on.

② Reviewer’s criteria are Publication(A), Publication with Correction(B), Review after Revision(C) and Reject(D). The editors should describe the detail reasons for B, C and D decision.

③ The editorial committee summarizes the editors’ decisions and makes final decision according to the following principal.

AAA, AAB : Publication

AAC, ABB, ABC, BBB, BBC : Publication with Correction

AAD, ABD, ACD, ACC, BBD, BCC, CCC : Review after Revision


13 (Correction Request)

① Author should faithfully comply with the correction request. If request rejected, editorial committee can withdrawal publication.

14 (Formal Objection)

① The author of the article can make the formal objection only once. On the article objected by author, editorial committee can hold review only once again through the editorial committee meeting. Review fee 40,000KRW will be charged additionally.

Manuscript Preparation

15 (Original Article)

① All Manuscripts should be prepared in order of title page, abstract, text and references. Proper name such as person and place needs its own notation. Also Number and measurement need Arabic numbers and metric system.

16 (Title Page and Abstract)

① On the title page, brief title(subtitle can be added) communicating the contents is required.

② The full names and institutional affiliations of all authors should be listed under title.

③ Contact information for correspondence must be provided ; name of author, address of institutional affiliation and e-mail address.

④ The manuscript written in Korean should provide the English abstract and others should provide the Korean and English abstract. Up to five keywords should be listed below the abstract.

⑤ The abstract should be no more than 1 page(500 words in Korean) and be divided into four subsections: Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions. The Korean Medical terms could be modified by standardization regulation at editing committee.

17 (Authors)

① The person listed on manuscript must be qualified as an author who has participated adequately in the research to be publicly answerable.

② Authors are classified as the first author, corresponding author and co-author. The editor may inquire as to what work each author was in charge of in the research.

③ The institutional affiliation should be listed under the name of author. The institutional affiliations should be marked in order using superscript Arabic numbers at the very front of institutional affiliations. Corresponding author should be marked with superscript ‘*’ next to institutional affiliation number.


Lee Jincheoul1, Park Sangkyun2, Bang Jungkyun3

1Dept. of Medical History, College of Korean Medicine, Kyunghee University

2Dept. of Meridian, College of Korean Medicine, Sangji University

3Dept. of Korean Medical Classics and History, College of Korean Medicine, Sangji University

18 (Text)

① The text should be in order of introduction, subject, conclusion and references while each consideration, methods, acknowledgement, etc. Other Items can be added as necessary.

② In case of experiment, the text should be in order of introduction, object or material and method, consideration, conclusion, acknowledgement and references and Other Items can be added or omitted as necessary.

③ In case of translation, the text should be in order of introduction, subject, consideration, conclusion and references and have original and translated paragraphs.

④ References in footnotes should state all bibliographic information. The referred page should be marked as ‘p.00’, pages as ‘pp.00-00.’ and intermittently referred pages as ‘p.00, 00, 00.’. The sequentially and intermittently referred pages should be marked as sequentially referred pages first and intermittently referred pages last. In case of quotation, quotation marks is used after the mark of page(s).


* Hong WS, Yun CY ed.. The History of Chinese Medicine. Seoul. Iljung Co. 2001. pp.125-126.

* Hong WS, Yun CY ed.. The History of Chinese Medicine. Seoul. Iljung Co. 2001. p.256, 295, 330. pp.34-55.

* Lee BW, Shin SW, Kim EH. Comparison of Korean-Chinese Code in Shanghanlun Published in Song Dynasty. Journal of Korean Medical Classics. 2004. 18(4). p.85. “We made two tables of comparison paragraphs and words.”

⑤ In case of foreigner as a main author(s) (included the first author and corresponding author), the other styles of footnote could be accepted by consideration of editing committee.

⑥ The table should be marked as ‘Table 00. 0000’ and figure as ‘Fig. 00. 0000’.


* Table 2. Conception of nutrient, blood and nutrient blood.

* Fig. 3. Formations and Consumptions of Nutrient Qi and Essence.

⑦ The title of table and figure should be placed on the left top.

19 (References)

① References should be written in English and in the original language in the order of printed publications(books and journal articles) and electronic media.

② The authors’ names within 3 are listed and over are listed as ‘the first author’s name, et al.’.

③ In case of book, bibliographic informations should be marked in order as ‘writer, writer. book. place of publication. publication company. year.’. A representative writer should be marked as ‘the representative writer’s name, et al.’.


* Hong WS, Yun CY ed.. The History of Chinese Medicine. Seoul. Iljung Co. 2001.

④ In case of translation(or edited), bibliographic informations should be marked in order as ‘author, translating(or editing) writer. book. place of publication. publication company. year.’. Anonymous writer could be not shown.


* Liao YQ, Fu F, Zheng JS original work. Park HG, et al. trans.. The History of Chinese Science and Technology(Part of Medicine). Seoul. Iljung Co. 2003.

⑤ In case of chapter in book, bibliographic informations should be marked in order as ‘writer. chapter. editor. book. place of publication. publication company. year. ’.


* Bae JH. Introduction of Asian Substantialism. The Society for Asian Philosophy in Korea ed.. Substantialism and Treatise of Human Nature on Asian Philosophy. Seoul. Yonsei University Press. 1996.

⑥ In case of journal article, bibliographic informations should be marked in order as 'author, author. title. journal. year. year. Vol(No.). DOI(Digital Object Identifier)'.


* Eun SM. A Study on the Concept and Therapeutic Application of Dragon Fire in Ministerial Fire Theory. Journal of Korean Medical Classics. 2020. 33(1).

⑦ In case of journal articles in electronic format, bibliographic informations should be marked in order as ‘author. title. journal[electronic format] listed duration [search date]; Vol.(No.): Available from: URL’.


* Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis [serial online] 1995 Jan-Mar [cited on June 5, 1996]; 1(1): Available from:

⑧ In case of book in electronic format, bibliographic informations should be marked in order as ‘writer, chapter. editor. book[electronic format]. lace of publication. publication company. year.’.


* Cheng WJ. Annotated Shanghanlun. Hunan Electronic Sound Image Press. Zhonghuayidian. (Traditional Chinese Edition)[CD-ROM]. Shanghai. Hunan Electronic Sound Image Press. 2003.

⑨ In case of program in electronic format, bibliographic informations should be marked in order as ‘program. place. company. year.’.


* Sajubaksa5.0. Seoul. Sundo Info-Communications Ltd. Co. 1997.