May, 2016

Vol.29 No.2

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Table of Contents | May, 2016 Vol.29 No.2

A Study on the Concept and Mechanism of ‘The Pi Controls the blood(脾統血)’

Kim Jong-hyun

‘脾統血’의 槪念과 機轉에 관한 考察


Baik You-sang, Kim Hye-il, Kim Jong-hyun, Yoon Eun-kyung, Kim Sang-hyun, Park Cheol-han

『黃帝內經』 三焦 病機와 三焦相火 病機와의 관계에 대한 考察

白裕相, 金惠一, 金鍾鉉, 尹銀卿, 金尙賢, 朴哲漢