第9回 日本糖尿病・生活習慣病ヒューマンデータ学会年次学術集会
The 9th Annual Meeting of the Japan Human data Society of Diabetes and related diseases
Special lecture
日時: 2024年12月20日(金)13:20 - 14:50
会場: 名古屋大学 東山キャンパス 野依記念学術交流館 2F カンファレンスホール
(〒464-8602 名古屋市千種区不老町)アクセスマップ(PDF)
演者: Alex R Cook(Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore )
テーマ:「Novel forms of dengue control in Singapore, and novel means to evaluate it. 」
Dengue is a vector borne viral disease of the tropics and subtropics, but which has an expanding range that puts new populations at risk. Vaccination is not yet widespread, and although vaccines have started to hit the market in the last few years, their use needs to be handled carefully due to risks from antibody dependent enhancement. An alternative, or possibly adjuvant, to vaccination, is the use of Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes to either replace or suppress the wildtype mosquito population. Singapore has recently made huge strides in the deployment of Wolbachia and intends to have the capacity to protect half of residential areas within the next few years through this technology. The roll out of the technology was challenged by difficulties in quantifying its protective effects, since it is a spatial, population-based intervention. In this talk, I will describe one way to evaluate the effect, namely through a new modelling technique called synthetic control.
Time and Date: Dec 20 (Fri.), 2024 13:20~14:50
Venue: The Noyori Memorial Conference Hall (Higashiyama Campus) map
Teaching Staff: Alex R Cook(Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore )
Language: English
Free admission