
080-081 Football.pdf

We chose on gut spreads to pull color rather than use pink and black because we knew that those dominant colors would not blend well with the color red, which is a school color and appears in a lot of our photos. I chose to keep the dominant photo in color so it would pop but still have it interact with the headline. I placed the duotone with a 10 point white outline behind it because it fit nicely next to the dominant photo, but also overlapped with the full cutout of the two football players, so it was a complete photo package. I placed a long blue bar coming from the top to draw attention to the cutout while serving as an anchor for it. I chose for the photo in our mod story to be black and white to draw the reader in after looking at the football package. I included an All-Coverage Device to include two more subjects on the spread and it fit nicely in the space as I aligned the caption block with it.