
(Academic) translation

Next to my own research, I am very interested in making others' research available to a wider audience, specifically by translating work written by authors in non-English speaking contexts. The following translation of an article by Hannes Kalisch, who writes from the Paraguayan Chaco, will be published soon - it was created in close collaboration with the author:

“Learning from within: A proposal for a new approach to education in native society”. Translation of Kalisch, Hannes (2010), “Escritura y oralidad Enlhet-Enenlhet: Sentido y significado de las publicaciones monolingües en la lengua autóctona. Forum for International Research in Education 7.3:68-86. Originally published in J. M. Rodrigues (Ed.): Educación, lenguas, y culturas en el Mercosur: Pluralidad cultural e inclusión social en Brasil y en Paraguay. Proceedings of the II Seminario Internacional de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe y Educación Indígena, Asunción, 22-23 July 2010, 235-60. Asunción: CEADUC.

I can translate between English and Dutch and English and Spanish, and from French to English - please feel free to contact me with proposals for collaboration on translating academic or other texts!


Since Fall 2021 I have been a linguistic consultant/content creator for Faena, a language-learning video game under development. Faena attempts to teach Spanish to speakers of English through a communicative, task-based methodology. It leads the player through a quest-based story progression where learning Spanish is necessary to talk to characters and progress in the game - in other words, it situates language learning in the sociocultural communicative context in which the learner would actually be using the language in real life. As such, the goals and methodologies of Faena align well with my own teaching philosophy.

Labour Organizing

Since Spring 2020, I have been organizing for the United Graduate Workers of UNM. In Winter of that year, we reached a majority card check to win the first union of graduate workers in the state of New Mexico. After a year of costly and eventually futile legal battles on the part of the university, UGW was legally recognized by the New Mexico Public Employees Labour Relations Board in January 2022. UGW and management are currently bargaining over the first collective bargaining agreement. Throughout this period, I have been active as a union steward, bargaining committee member, and chair of the membership committee.