Exhibit 2

Design: I designed this as a little pick me up and reminder to smile!

Contrast: I used contrast in the fonts and the simple contrast of dark grey and yellow. There are also contrasting sizes in the smiley faces.

Repetition: The obvious place I used repetition is in the smiley faces. I varied the sizes but the repetition is still there.

Alignment: I made all the text left aligned. I always lean toward left alignment because you read right to left and it guides the eye to the image.

Proximity: I used the smiley faces to fill in any weird white space.

Typography: Smile: California. Other text: Gibster. I downloaded these fonts from dafont.com. I love the way they contrast and how they work together to add a simple but coordinating look.

Credits: Smile: California, https://www.dafont.com/california-6.font Other text: Gibster, https://www.dafont.com/search.php?q=Gibster. Smiley face: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/happy-faces-emoticons-smiley-emoji-5049095/

Photoshop skills I used:

  • layers

  • text

  • color gradient

  • kerning


  • Kerned the "S" and "M" closer together

  • Aligned the main body of the "S" in "Smile" with the words below it

  • Made the smiley faces darker to add more contrast to the image