Systems Immunology & Translational Medicine Lab



We welcome any kind of collaborations from different institutes. If interest, please contact Dr. Lin.

我們歡迎產官學各種形式之合作 (須符合中華民國、國立臺灣大學及對方國家之所有法律限制)

Core Technologies- Spectral Flow Cytometry Analysis

We can perform Murine immune profiling  using a 36-marker spectral flow cytometry panel that identify 31+ gated immune cell populations.

We can perform Human immune profiling using a 40-marker spectral flow cytometry panel that identify 70+ gated immune cell populations..

Core Technologies- Single-cell RNA-seq

We are able to use in-house or commercial systems encapsulate single cells in droplets to perform single-cell library prep. and sequencing.

We sophisticatedly perform CITE-seq (Cellular Indexing of Transcriptomes and Epitopes by sequencing), a multimodal single-cell sequencing technique, to simultaneously measures gene expression and protein abundance (100+ markers).

We are able to use capture single cells in microwells to perform single-cell library prep. and sequencing. This system provide different capacities for cell capture and recovery rates. [Current Genomics] [bioRxiv]

We are able to use in-house (in-developing) or commercial systems barcoding single cells to perform single-cell library prep. and sequencing.

Core Technologies- Big Data Analysis

With the large datasets generated by multi-omics techniques, we can perform high-throughput data plotting and statistics.

We can visualize immune cell subsets using different machine learning algorithms based on high-parameter flow cytometry data.

We can identify critical components through the analysis of big data using various machine learning models such as Random Forest, sPLS etc..