Shouting Contest

Shouting Contest 大声大会

Library Quad 

How loud can you shout in Japanese?

We will measure the loudness of your voice. The winner gets a nice prize.

You can shout anything, but you need to do it in Japanese. Make sure to say something nice!

The following are suggestions, which may give you some ideas.

「にほんご、だいすき」nihongi daisuki (love Japanese language)

「〜 、だいきらい」daikirai (dislike ~)

「おかね、ほしい」okane hoshii (want $)

「いいせいせき、ほしい」ii seeseki hoshii (want good grades!)

「〜、かっこいい」kakko ii (good looking!)

「〜、かわいい」kawaii (cute!)