SE Pyrenean Thrust System

Balanced & Restored Sections 

Simplified structural map of the Southeastern Pyrenean fold-and-thrust belt showing location of geological cross-sections and the situation of the deep reflection profiles ECORS Pyrenees and ESCI Catalan Coastal Ranges (dashed lines). The 15 geological cross-sections described in this work form a perpendicular network of linked cross-sections. 

Cross-sections J-1, J-2, J-3, J-7 and J-13 were line length balanced and restored.  Cross-sections J-1 and J-3 traverse the whole Ebro Foreland Basin ending at the Catalan Coastal Ranges.

Cross-sections J-4J-5  and  J-6  show the relationships between the Pedraforca t.s., the Port del Compte t.s. and the Boixols t.s.

Cross-sections J-8J-9J-10  and  J-11  show the 3D geometry of the Segre oblique thrust system.

Cross-section  J-12  is parallel to the ECORS Pyrenees profile.

Cross-sections J-14 and J-15 are E-W trending and show the along strike SE Pyrenees structure.

Link to: Vergés, J. (1993). Estudi geològic del vessant sud del Pirineu oriental i central. Evolució cinemàtica en 3D. PhD Thesis University of Barcelona, 1–199.

Foreland Stratigraphy

J-1  (N-S Cadí t.s. & Ebro foreland)

Balanced and restored geological cross-section J-1. From south to north: the undeformed foreland basin, the folded and thrusted foreland, the Cadí thrust sheet limited by the Vallfogona thrust and the Freser antiformal stack constituted by cover and basement rocks. 

The foreland fold-and-thrust system is detached above a detachment level located above the lower-middle Eocene limestones, at the base of the middle Eocene marls and evaporites. The lower segment footwall ramp of the foreland detachment coincides with the northern lateral facies change from limestones to marls. The Ridaura-2 and Serrat-1 oil-wells constrain the deep geometry of the south directed Cadí thrust sheets. The Vallfogona thrust is a relatively shallow thrust, which cut at a right angle the thick lower-middle Eocene succession below the northern flank of the Ripoll syncline. For this reason it is assumed that these lower-middle Eocene units remained in the footwall of the Vallfogona thrust. The Freser antiformal stack forms a tectonic and topographic culmination in the internal part of the Cadí thrust sheet which is cut by the Ribes-Camprodon out-of-sequence thrust. 

In the balanced section, the pin line is located south of the Bellmunt anticline, in the undeformed foreland basin. Point B is the northernmost point located in the footwall of the Ribes-Camprodon thrust. Point C represents the northernmost outcrop of the Freser antiformal stack.

In the restored section, reference horizontal lines correspond to near-horizontal strata during deposition: the base of the Vidrà Fm. in the foreland, the top of the evaporitic Beuda Fm. in the northern segment of the foreland and Cadí thrust sheet, and the top of the Paleocene red-beds in the northern segment of the Cadí thrust sheet and Freser antiformal stack. Syntectonic Bellmunt Fm. deposits were pinned at point B, on the northern flank of the Ripoll syncline (location of the youngest syntectonic deposit). The Serrat-1 oil-well (displayed in 3 segments in the restored section) marks a vertical reference line. The Serrat-1 well is projected, parallel to the structures, into the section. Its top is located 150 m below the topographic line along cross-section J-1. 

Total shortening between points A-C is 31 km (57%) which can be divided into 16 km for the Freser antiformal stack, 11 km for the Cadí thrust sheet and 4 km for the deformed foreland. Neither the internal deformation (cleavage and small structures) nor the out-of-sequence displacement along the Ribes-Camprodon thrust was considered in this calculation. The total shortening is thus a minimum amount which can be increased by 20-30%, by adding the internal strain along this section.

The internal unconformities displayed by the Coubet and Bellmunt formations (marine-continental transition and fluvial sediments) in both flanks of the Ripoll syncline record the emplacement of the Cadí thrust sheet (Vallfogona footwall ramp at the front and Freser antiformal stack at the back). The Bellmunt anticline, the southernmost detached structure in the foreland is partially fossilised by the base of the alluvial and fluvial Berga Fm. The rate of shortening between 47-34.4 Ma (Cadí thrust sheet and foreland basin deformation) is 1.6 mm/a.

J-2 (N-S Lower Pedraforca t.s.)

Balanced and restored geological cross-section J-2, modified from Vergés et al. (1994) and Mató et al. (1994). The balanced section shows the internal structure of the lower Pedraforca imbricate system of thrusts. The lower Pedraforca thrust sheet is composed by 6 different imbricates constituted by Triassic to Paleocene rocks. In the southernmost external units, lower Eocene deposits show syntectonic geometries. The Mesozoic and Paleocene wedges taper towards the south recording the sedimentary infill geometry of the original Mesozoic rifted basin. The length, lateral extension and displacement of the tectonic imbricates decrease to the south where the original stratigraphic wedge is thinner.

The lower thrust of the lower Pedraforca thrust sheet (Pedraforca thrust) overthrusts lower to middle Eocene foreland basin deposits. The geometry of the hangingwall is flat whereas the footwall geometry is a gently inclined ramp.

In the balanced section, the pin point A is located in the northernmost outcrop of the turbidites of the Campdevànol Fm. (footwall of the Pedraforca thrust). Intermediate point B is located at the leading point of the lower Eocene sediments on top of the Pedraforca thrust sheet. Point C is located in the northernmost outcrop of the Jurassic rocks of the Pedraforca thrust sheet.

The reconstruction of the eroded footwall ramp of the Pedraforca thrust has an angle (~7º) similar to the restored basal angle for the Mesozoic wedge. This reconstructed Pedraforca footwall ramp allows the leading zone (front) of the Pedraforca thrust sheet to advance below sea level, with no important internal deformation at the front, and with no major uplift at the back.

Total shortening between points A-C is 39.5 km. Because of the coincidence of points A and C in the balanced section, the shortening is 100%. The internal imbricate thrust system represents 9.5 km and the southwards motion of the whole thrust sheet is 30 km, which can be divided into 17 km for the well constrained part of the ramp and 13 km for the reconstructed part.

Lower Eocene detrital limestones (Cadí Fm.) record the formation of the imbricate system of thrusts at 55 Ma. The southward motion of the Pedraforca thrust sheet over the Eocene foreland basin deposits (currently forming the Ripoll syncline) is recorded by Middle Eocene sediments (Armàncies and Campdevànol formations). The middle Lutetian (~47 Ma) transition sediments fossilise the Pedraforca thrust sheet.

Although the basal Pedraforca thrust was blocked, the Pedraforca thrust sheet was internally deformed by a break-back sequence of thrusting during the emplacement of the lower and younger Cadí thrust sheet. The rate of shortening for the imbricate system of thrusts and southward motion of the Pedraforca thrust sheet (55-47 Ma) is 4.4 mm/a.

J-3  (N-S Lower Pedraforca t.s., Upper Pedraforca t.s., Cadí t.s. & Ebro foreland)

Balanced and restored geological cross-section J-3. The balanced section shows the complete structure of the southern Pyrenean thrust sheets, deformed Ebro basin and the undeformed southern margin of the basin linked to the Catalan Coastal ranges. The section will be described from south to north:

A set of different trending folds and thrusts characterise the structure of the eastern Ebro Foreland Basin. These folds and thrusts are detached above the Cardona salt décollement level (Vergés et al., 1992). Cross-section J-3 traverses the Oló, Súria and Cardona anticlines (Link to: Cardona anticline). The Cardona anticline constitutes a gently south verging salt cored anticline ("la Muntanya de sal", Fig. 18). North of the Cardona anticline, the Puig-reig anticline is formed above a footwall ramp where the basal décollement climbs from a lower detachment level to the Cardona salt level. Alluvial and fluvial Upper Eocene-Lower Oligocene sediments show a double syntectonic wedge geometry related to the growth of the Puig-reig anticline. Seismic lines across the detached folds in the foreland show that deformation is localised above the décollement level but not below. Seismic line S-12 across the Puig-reig anticline shows a complex internal structure for this anticline and very gentle north dipping reflectors around 2.1 s (T.W.T.) on the northern side, interpreted as lower-middle Eocene shallow marine limestones. The northern seismic line S-19 shows the northern continuation of lower reflectors and a prominent north dipping reflector which crosses the complete line and is interpreted as the Vallfogona thrust. The footwall of the Vallfogona thrust is constituted by subhorizontal reflectors.

The frontal Vallfogona thrust limits the allochthonous south Pyrenean units (Cadí and Pedraforca thrust sheets). A number of syntectonic deposits  cover the internal structure of the thrust sheets. The geometrical disposition of middle and upper Eocene syntectonic deposits  on both the hangingwall and footwall of the Vallfogona thrust show both the emergence of the Vallfogona thrust above the footwall ramp and a break-back sequence of thrusting deforming the lower Pedraforca thrust sheet.

The upper Pedraforca thrust sheet (based on Vergés & Martínez, 1988, and Martínez et al., 1991) is constituted mainly by Lower Cretaceous rocks (from Prada Fm. limestones to Lluçà Fm. marls). These rocks form a high hanging wall cut-off angle with the basal thrust detached within Keuper evaporites. The upper Pedraforca thrust sheet represents the positive inversion along the southern margin of the Lower Cretaceous extensional basin. The basal thrust climbs up across the footwall Upper Cretaceous rocks incorporating thin slices of these rocks. Paleocene (Garumnian) alluvial (Roca Roja South) and fluvial (Coll de la Trapa) strata overlap the basal thrust recording the latest emplacement of the  Upper Pedraforca thrust sheet.

The present gentle south dipping position of the Upper Pedraforca basal thrust is due to the general southern tilting of thrust sheets during the emplacement of lower and younger basement thrust sheets (compare with westward cross-sections J-6 and J-7).

The reference horizontal lines for the restored cross-section correspond to near-horizontal strata during deposition: the top of the Cardona and Beuda evaporites constitute two excellent levels in the foreland and Cadí thrust sheet. The top of the Paleocene fluvial and lacustrine deposits and the top of Cenomanian limestones (Santa Fe sequence) are traced on the lower and upper Pedraforca thrust sheets. Cross-section J-3 was line-length balanced but not the Cardona salts which were areally balanced.

Total shortening between points A and B is 69.2 km (54%). These can be divided into 11 km for the Upper Pedraforca thrust sheet, 36.2 km for the lower Pedraforca thrust sheet, 16.4 km for the Cadí thrust sheet and frontal blind thrust below the Busa syncline, and 5.6 km for the foreland basin fold and thrust system. 

The well-preserved structural geometries and the well-dated emplacement relationships among different thrust sheets allow the construction of crustal-scale balanced and restored sections. These structural parameters together with fission track cooling ages, paleobotanical assemblages, and sedimentological data were used to reconstruct a crustal scale section during middle Lutetian times (Vergés et al., 1995). A subsidence analysis has been carried out along the J-3 section from the Ripoll syncline to the Montserrat region in Vergés et al. (1998). Geometric analysis of detached folding focused on the Súria and Balsareny anticlines has been carried out by Sans and Vergés (1995) (Link to: Cardona anticline). The tectonic internal structure of the Cardona salt décollement level is described in Sans et al. (1997). Growth folding in Sant Llorenç de Morunys associated with the frontal Vallfogona emergent thrust and fold kinematic models have been published by Ford et al. (1997) and Suppe et al. (1997). Williams et al. (1998) presented a sedimentological analysis of these growth strata at Sant Llorenç de Morunys (Link to: Sant Llorenç de Morunys growth strata).

Link to: Cardona anticline

Link to: Sant Llorenç de Morunys growth strata

J-4  (N-S Cadí t.s. & Upper and Lower Pedrafroca t.s.)

Geological cross-section J-4 (the northern side of the section is from Hartevelt, 1970). The section shows the cross-cutting relations between the Pedraforca and Cadí thrust sheets. The western end of the La Cerdanya normal faults cut the Cadí thrust sheet. The relatively rapid northward tapering of the Stephanian, Permian and Buntsandstein red bed deposits is well-preserved in the hangingwall of the major normal fault. As in the previous sections (section J-2 and J-3), the northern flank of the Pedraforca thrust sheet is deformed by a set of subparallel to oblique to the bedding and north directed thrusts.

J-5  (N-S Port del Compte t.s., Upper and Lower Pedraforca t.s. & Puig-reig anticline)

Geological cross-section J-5. From south to north the section crosses the Puig- reig anticline in the foreland basin, the Port del Comte (Cadí) thrust sheet, the Serres Marginals (Pedraforca) thrust sheet, the Bóixols (upper Pedraforca) thrust sheet and the Montsec de Tost basement unit.

The Puig-reig anticline shows a complex structure at depth. Fluvial deposits on top of the anticline display growth geometries, which attenuate the anticlinal amplitude at surface. Seismic line S-1 presents the Solsona syncline above non deformed and gently north dipping set of reflectors, interpreted as lower to middle Eocene marine sediments including the Cardona salt level at the top. To the north, the Puig-reig anticline shows a tectonic wedge geometry which is characteristic along the front of this anticline (Seismic line S-12 on cross-section J-3). The tectonic wedge geometry continues to the west at the front of the Oliana anticline (Line drawing on cross-section J-6 and cross-section J-7). Internally, the anticline is interpreted as a duplex structure with increasing shortening towards the west. Very gentle north dipping subparallel reflectors in the northern part of the line and located underneath the allochthonous South Pyrenean units account for the interpretation of this area as a south verging syncline. 

The Port del Comte thrust sheet (equivalent to the Cadí thrust sheet) constitutes a thin tectonic unit which is located at the highest topographic elevation of the studied area. The N-S geometry of this thrust sheet constrain the geometry of the Vallfogona thrust at depth, especially the location of the footwall ramp above the continental conglomerates of the northern flank of the buried syncline. 

The Serres Marginals (equivalent to the lower Pedraforca) and the Bóixols (equivalent to the upper Pedraforca) thrust sheets and the Montsec de Tost basement unit overthrusted the Cadí thrust sheet strata showing a slightly oblique footwall ramp.

The Montsec de Tost is the easternmost outcrop of the Nogueres basement unit.

J-6  (N-S western end Port del Compte t.s., Boixols t.s. & Puig-reig anticline)

Geological cross-section J-6 that helps to visualise the along strike changes in the geometry of the south Pyrenean thrust sheets (Compare with cross-sections J-5 and J-7). 

From south to north, the Oliana anticline shows a major displacement over the Cardona salt décollement level. Line drawing of seismic line L-3 and Basella-1 oil-well constrain both the geometry of the southern end of the Oliana anticline and the growth strata geometry and thickness of the continental package which is 2500 m thick in the cores of the foreland synclines.

The Port del Comte (equivalent to Cadí) thrust sheet is very reduced, ending towards the west in the footwall of the Segre oblique ramp. The change in dip of the bedding of the Montsec thrust sheet reflects the position of the footwall ramp of the Montsec (Segre thrust). This ramp cuts Eocene-Oligocene continental conglomerates of the northern flank of the buried syncline, north of the Oliana anticline. This syncline outcrops westwards between the section and the Segre river. 

The Bóixols thrust sheet displays a complex structure developed during the tectonic inversion of a set of normal faults defining the southern margin of the Mesozoic extensional basin. Sedimentological facies distribution and thickness changes indicate that the south directed Figols thrust is the major normal fault reactivated. The frontal thrust of the Bóixols thrust sheet is either a small fault or a cut off south of the main fault.

Link to: Oliana anticline

J-7  (N-S South Central Units t.s., Oliana anticline, & detached Ebro foreland basin)

Balanced and restored geological cross-section J-7. The balanced section contains a large number of oil-wells constraining the subsurface interpretation, and shows the complete structure from the southern Pyrenean thrust sheets to the undeformed Ebro foreland basin. The section will be described from south to north:

The southernmost structure of the section is the evaporite cored Sanaüja anticline. The anticline is cut by a set of north directed thrusts. These thrusts were interpreted as developed along the southern margin of the Cardona salt basin. Northwards, the detached Vilanova anticline shows a roughly symmetrical shape. The doubly plunging Oliana anticline is the most important and northernmost structure of the foreland in this section (Link to: Oliana anticline).  Its southwestern end is overthrusted by the Serres Marginals thrust whereas the northeastern end is buried below syntectonic conglomerates. The Oliana oil-well constrains the deep geometry of the anticline, which is constituted by the superposition of two tectonic slices composed of middle Eocene marine marls. These two slices are displaced over the Cardona salt detachment. The southern margin of the anticline acts as a backthrust. On top of the northern flank of the Oliana anticline, the Serres Marginals unit is made of a set of imbricates showing a break back sequence of thrusting as evidenced by four growth strata units, upper Eocene-lower Oligocene in age. The third growth strata unit is related to the Montsec thrust sheet out-of-sequence emplacement whereas the uppermost unit overlaps the Montsec although it is slightly deformed. 

The Mesozoic and Paleocene section in the Montsec thrust sheet abruptly increases its thickness with respect the Serres Marginals one. This rapid and important change in thickness across the Montsec thrust reflects inherited Mesozoic and Paleogene structures. The dip of the bedding on the back side of the Montsec thrust sheet indicates the position of a footwall ramp, which is interpreted in this work as the footwall ramp of the Oliana duplex.

The Bóixols thrust sheet represents the tectonic inversion of the Early Cretaceous extensional basin. It is interesting to observe the lateral changes of this uppermost cover thrust along the strike, especially across the Segre oblique ramp. In section J-7 the frontal thrust is north dipping and the whole thrust sheet shows an almost untilted position. However, in eastern sections such as J- 3, the frontal thrust gently dips to the south and the thrust sheet is tilted to the south by the emplacement of a deeper basement unit. 

The basal thrust of the allochthonous units shows both the south and north directions of tectonic transport. The horizontal reference lines for the restored section correspond to: 1) the top of the Cardona salts (foreland basin), 2) the top of the Paleocene lacustrine deposits for the Serres Marginals and Montsec thrust sheets, and 3) the base of the upper Cenomanian marine limestones for the Montsec and Bóixols thrust sheets. 

The final version of the cross-section represents the final form after the completion of different restorations to account for shortening that occurred during early and middle Eocene times. This shortening is achieved by the displacement of the allochthonous units over lower to middle Eocene marine foreland marly deposits over a ramp of 8º. Total shortening between A and I points is 68 km (56%). This can be divided into 16.9 km for the deformed foreland (13.9 km for the Oliana duplex and 3 km for the southern structures above the Cardona salt layer), 22 km for displacement of allochthonous units above foreland Eocene strata, 1 km for the Serres Marginals, 3.4 km for the Montsec thrust displacement, and 7.2 km for the Bóixols thrust sheet. The Bóixols thrust sheet was fossilised during Paleocene times as evidenced to the west of this section. 

The Monstec and Serres Marginals were finally emplaced at the end of the middle Eocene as confirmed by the composition of the lower units of conglomerates outcropping in the northern flank of the Oliana anticline. The synchronous development of the Oliana anticline and the break back sequence of deformation developed within the allochthonous units during the upper Eocene and lower Oligocene times. 

The relationships between foreland evaporitic basins and the way in which they control the geometry of the foreland folding and thrusting have been studied by Vergés et al. (1992), Sans and Vergés (1995). The triangle zone propagating at the front of a triangle wedge is discussed has been documented by Sans et al. (1996). A previous version of this section has been published in Burbank et al. (1992). The break-back sequence of deformation determined by syntectonic deposits has been published in Vergés and Muñoz (1990) and in Burbank and Vergés (1994). The analysis of growth strata and kinematic of folding has been documented.

Link to: Oliana anticline

J-8  (N-S Montsec and Serres Marginals t.s., Oliana anticline, & detached Ebro foreland basin)

Geological cross-section J-8. The section crosses the western end of the Oliana anticline along seismic line TR-65. A north verging hangingwall anticline located in the southern flank of the Oliana anticline highlights the existence of a backthrust parallel to the Cardona salt layer. The seismic line shows complex cross-cutting relationships in the core of the Oliana anticline. As in the previous section, the integration of the Basella-1 oil-well information and field data suggests that the continental conglomerates outcropping in the southern flank of the anticline are growth units and that they developed strong angular unconformities.

Link to: Oliana anticline

J-9  (E-W Montsec and Serres Marginals t.s., Oliana anticline, & growth strata units)

Geological cross-section J-9. From west to east, the section crosses the Montsec and Serres Marginals thrust sheets as well as the Oliana anticline. The section is supported by the relatively recent and deep Comiols-1 oil-well and seismic line TR-69. The most important feature detected in the Comiols-1 drill was the presence of lower to middle Eocene rocks below the allochthonous south Pyrenean units (Montsec and Serres Marginals thrust sheets). The seismic line also shows the important dip to the west of the Serres Marginals above the Oliana anticline and the geometry of the basal surface of the Comiols conglomerates that infilled a paleovalley incised synchronous to the rise of the tectonic relief during thrusting. 

Link to: Oliana anticline

J-10  (E-W South Central Unit t.s. & Isona anticline)

Geological cross-section J-10. The section crosses the western end of the Isona-Tremp basin and the Isona anticline along the seismic line TR-3. The Isona-1 oil-well was drilled in the culmination of the Isona anticline. The most important characteristic of the Isona anticline is that it corresponds to a detached anticline over the Keuper evaporites on top of the Cardona salt located in the footwall of the basal thrust of the southern Pyrenean allochthonous units. The presence of a thin layer of Eocene within the thick Keuper unit will be discussed in cross-section J-11.

The section J-9 (Comiols-1 oil-well) and section J-10 (Isona-1 oil-well) constitute a solid support for the three-dimensional subsurface interpretation of the Segre oblique ramp zone.

J-11  (N-S South Central Unit t.s., Isona anticline & detached Ebro foreland)

Geological cross-section J-11. The section is pinned in the undeformed foreland basin, south of the Barbastro-Balaguer anticline. From south to north, the section crosses the eastern end of the Barbastro-Balaguer anticline, the Sanaüja-Cubells anticline and the South Central Unit (Serres Marginals and Montsec thrust sheets). The section ends north of the Sant Corneli anticline within the Bóixols thrust sheet.

The southernmost structure of the section is the Barbastro-Balaguer anticline, cored by Barbastro gypsum. Northwards, the north directed Sanaüja and Cubells thrusts deform the previously emplaced Serres Marginals thrust sheet. An important upper Eocene- Oligocene fluvial and lacustrine succession displays cross-cutting relationships with both the Serres Marginals imbricates and the north directed foreland thrusts, defining the deformational history. The Serres Marginals thrust sheet shows a relatively simple structure constituted by two tectonic imbricates with a hangingwall flat. Underneath the lower thrust of these imbricates, the footwall shows a very low angle ramp. 

The Montsec thrust is buried underneath a thick conglomeratic unit, the Comiols conglomerates. The E-W geometry of these deposits is imaged in cross-section J-9. Seismic line TR-68 shows the N-S disposition of the Comiols deposits and its 3D geometry based on cross- sections J-9 and J-11 (see diagram below). The major structure of the Montsec thrust sheet is the Isona anticline, very well imaged in seismic line TR-47. This line shows anticlinally folded reflectors above gently north dipping parallel reflectors at 1.7 s (T.W.T. on the northern side of the line), which we interpreted as lower-middle Eocene sediments. 

North of the Isona anticline, there is a narrow syncline located in the footwall of the Bóixols thrust. The E-W structure of the anticline is outlined in cross-section J-10. An interesting study of the last 10 million years of the frontal activity along these sections has been studied by Meigs et al. (1996).

3D structural diagram showing the western termination of the South Central Unit using N-S-trending cross-sections J-7 and J-11, and E-W-trending cross-sections J-9 and J-10. The tectonic duplication forming the Oliana antilcine is depicted along the footwall of the thrust bounding the South Central Unit (the surficial trace of the Segre oblique thrust). The upper thrust sheet of the Oliana duplex is cut by the Segre thrust in J-7, J-9, and J-10. The Segre thrust is folded by the growth of the Oliana anticline as well indicating the synchroneicity of both features.

The tectonic out-of-sequence of thrusting in the hangingwall of the Segre oblique thrust and Oliana anticline is recorded by 4 main fluvial and alluvial growth sedimentation around the Oliana anticline.

Link to: Oliana anticline

J-12  (N-S South Central Unit t.s., Montsec t.s., Boixols t.s & detached Ebro foreland anticlines)

Geological cross-section J-12. This N-S trending section is parallel to the Deep Seismic ECORS Profile. Commercial seismic line TR-1 shows the geometry of the Montsec and of the northern part of Serres Marginals thrust sheets. The section crosses the deformed foreland (Barbastro-Balaguer and Sanaüja-Cubells anticlines), the South Central Unit (Serres Marginals, Montsec and Bóixols thrust sheets) and the Nogueres basement units to the north.

The Barbastro-Balaguer and the Sanaüja-Cubells anticlines were interpreted as detached anticlines cut by a set of south dipping, north directed thrusts. The detachment level is located within the continental and uppermost Eocene Barbastro gypsum. These two anticlines are separated by the open and flat-bottom Agramunt syncline. The northern flank of the Sanaüja-Cubells anticline is overhrusted by the frontalmost structure of the Serres Marginals thrust sheet. Syn-thrusting deposits display cross-cutting and overlapping geometries with the north and south directed frontal structures (western continuation of J-11 cross-section relations). 

The Serres Marginals unit is constituted by a group of imbricates with increasing thickness in their Mesozoic section northwards. This controls the extension and displacement of the imbricates, which are more important towards the north (the Sant Mamet unit, south of the Montsec thrust sheet). A foreland footwall ramp, above the Cardona salt level, is demonstrated by the geometry and stratigraphic thickness of the northern flank of the Sant Mamet anticline as well as the disposition of reflectors on the seismic line TR- 1. A double sedimentary and large-scale wedge of lower Eocene marine strata indicate the growth of both the Montsec hangingwall to the north and the Sant Mamet anticline to the south. 

The Montsec thrust shows a simple hangingwall flat geometry whereas the footwall shows a flat-ramp geometry. The south wedging geometry of the Serra de Campanetes lower Eocene deposits confirms the emergence of the Montsec thrust. Similar geometries within the Garumnian red beds suggest that this emergence could have been produced during upper Paleocene times. The Bóixols thrust cut the northern margin of the wide and open Tremp syncline (Tremp basin).

The Sant Corneli anticline is the frontalmost structure of the Bóixols thrust sheet. At depth, the Sant Corneli-1 oil-well cuts an overturned and highly thinned southern flank of the anticline. North dipping and thick conglomerates of Collegats represent the infilling of an intramontane basin formed during the uppermost Eocene and probably lower Oligocene period of thrusting. These are infilling highly incised paleotopographies and display syntectonic relationships with folding and thrusting. They are related to the reactivation of the Sant Corneli anticline (the major north dipping attitude of the sedimentary pile of conglomerates) and to the formation of the north directed thrusts at the cover-basement boundary. The Senterada unit of conglomerates overlaps several of the south dipping and south directed Nogueres basement tectonic units.

Although the section has not been restored, well constrained cross-cutting relationships permit the determination of displacement and shortening above thrusts. The foreland structures account for ~2 km of shortening. The lower Serres Marginals thrusts are displaced on top of foreland continental deposits for 13.5 km. The lower to middle marine deposits are interpreted as located underneath the Nogueres units (as deduced from palinspastic maps). The Montsec thrust shows a minimum displacement of 9 km. The Bóixols thrust displacement can be evaluated as 8.4 km. The sum of these amounts gives 73.4 km for the total shortening. The shortening from a pin line in the undeformed foreland deposits to the North Pyrenean Fault is 88.4 km.

J-13  (N-S South Central Unit t.s., Montsec t.s.. Tremp Basin & detached Ebro foreland anticlines)

Balanced and restored cross-section J-13. The section crosses from the undeformed foreland to the northern cover-basement contact of the South Central Unit (comprising Serres Marginals and Montsec-Bóixols thrust sheets). Fairly good quality seismic lines TR-16 and T-16 show the deep structure of the open and large scale Tremp syncline. The foreland frontalmost structures are the Barbastro-Balaguer and Sanaüja-Cubells anticline and backthrusts. The Barbastro-Balaguer anticline shows more amplitude than in the eastern cross-sections J-11 and J-12.

The Sanaüja-Cubells north directed thrusts display cross-cutting relations with the frontal and lower thrust of the Serres Marginals thrust sheets. There, the most external and thinnest slices of the Serres Marginals unit, the Sant Salvador thrust sheets are unconformably overlain by both the middle Eocene marine sandy limestones and the upper Eocene continental conglomerates. North of the Sant Salvador thrust sheets, the out-of-sequence Mont-roig thrust constitutes the southern boundary of a very distinctive thick Mesozoic and Paleocene section, made up of Triassic, Jurassic, upper Cretaceous and Paleocene rocks.

To the north, the Sant Mamet anticline and Ager syncline are the major structures of the Mont-roig thrust sheet. The northern flank of the Sant Mamet anticline is located above a footwall ramp. The Eocene infill of the Ager syncline shows a double wedge indicating the amplification of the San Mamet anticline synchronous with the emplacement of the Montsec thrust sheet. A bedding-parallel backthrust is located in the northern flank of the Ager syncline. The Serra del Montsec forms the hangingwall of the Montsec thrust displaying a flat geometry. The upper Triassic (Keuper) constitutes the main detachment level of the complete South Central Unit.

The Tremp syncline shows an open geometry. Both flanks display a different stratigraphy, especially the upper Cretaceous one. In the northern flank, the uppermost Campanian Puigmanyons unit has been traditionally related to the onset of tectonic activity in this area (note the strong onlap of the overlying units on top of Campanian Vallcarga and Herba-sabina units). The most important feature of this northern part of the section is the absence of the Bóixols tectonic unit. The Sant Corneli anticline (cross-section J-13) ends or gets strongly attenuated at depth to the east of the Noguera Pallaresa river. This rapid westward termination of the Bóixols thrust sheet is interpreted as the margin of a thick Lower Cretaceous rift basin.

The restored section shows a reconstructed middle Eocene basin which corresponds to the South Central Unit underlying foreland sediments. These have been interpreted as extending to the north, below the Nogueres basement thrust sheets, to be consistent with thrust sheet displacements to the east of this section.

J-14  (E-W SE-termination of the South Central Unit t.s. along the N-S trending Serres Marginals anticlines & detached Ebro foreland anticlines)

Geological cross-section J-14. This section is E-W oriented and displays the shortening perpendicular to the tectonic transport in the SE corner of the South Central Unit. The Serres Marginals unit is constituted by a set of N-S-trending anticlines and synclines  with a vertical to overturned western flanks. 

From A to B, 3.5 km of shortening can be calculated. This shortening is interpreted as the oblique to normal component of shortening of the Serres Marginals thrust sheet during the tectonic transport to the south.

J-15  (E-W South Central Unit t.s., Segre oblique thrust, Port del Compte t.s., Cadí t.s., Lower Pedraforca t.s. & detached foreland footwall structure

Geological cross-section J-15. This section is an E-W section crossing the Segre oblique thrust ramp. The westernmost segment of the section is supported by seismic line TR-62. This section describes the deep structure of the Oliana and Puig-reig anticlines as well as the topographically high location of the Port del Comte thrust sheet. 

According to the N-S trending geological sections, the Puig-reig anticline increases shortening from 0 km, to the east of the section J-3, to 10 km towards the west beneath the conglomerates of the Ebro basin (section J-6). To the west, the Oliana anticline shows a different orientation and 14 km of shortening. This change in orientation is in agreement with paleomagnetic data documenting 35º of counterclockwise rotation (Link to: Oliana anticline). 

The Port del Comte thrust sheet constitutes the westernmost part of the Cadí thrust sheet, which is mainly composed of lower-middle Eocene marine and shallow-water limestones. The Port del Comte thrust sheet is completely overthrusted by the South Central Unit. In the section, the Port del Comte thrust sheet forms the highest topographic elevation of the study area as it overthrusts the thick foreland continental conglomeratic section, upper Eocene and Oligocene in age (Link to: Sant Llorenç de Morunys growth strata). 

However, to the west, the uppermost conglomerates of the Ebro basin overlap the thrust sheet. To the east, the mainly carbonatic Port del Comte unit thrusts the marly basinal Cadí thrust sheet (both forming the major tectonic unit Cadí-Port del Comte thrust sheet). The formation of the ramp that thrusts youngest conglomerates in locality 2 is attributed to the displacement normal to the Segre oblique ramp. The tightening of fold of the Port del Comte unit is attributed to the last 2.7 km of displacement of this ramp.

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