Zagros Fold Belt


Our work in the Zagros Fold Belt and Mesopotamian Foreland Basin through collaboration research projects with former Norsk Hydro and NIOC spanned from 2001 to 2008. Afterwards, we continued some studies in collaboration with NIOC, Total, Darius and University of Zanjan. 

Our main goals were the multi-detachment style of folding, the Late Cretaceous Sarvak reservoir analogs, the Amiran proto-foreland basin, and the timing of folding in the Simply Fold Belt and Mesopotamian Foreland Basin.

In this summary I list publications analysing the crustal and lithospheric structures of Zagros, Iran, SE Asia and Himalayas as well as the Kopet Dagh and the western accretionary prism of Makran.

2004–Present   Zagros (Iran & Iraq) Publications (including Kopet Dagh and Makran)


Arabia-Eurasia Collision Zone: Evolution, Tectonostratigraphic and Structural Synthesis 

Madanipour, S., Najafi, M., Nozaeim, R., Vergés, J., Heydari, I., Soudmand, Z., Aghajari, L. THE ARABIA–EURASIA COLLISION ZONE IN IRAN: TECTONOSTRATIGRAPHIC AND STRUCTURAL SYNTHESIS. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 47(2), 123-171.


Age of Folding in Lurestan on the Oblique Ramp related to Khanaqin Fault

Open Access

Lashgari, A., Najafi, M., Beamud, E., Maestre, E., Vergés, J. (2024) Age of folding in NW Lurestan arc across the Khanaqin fault by magnetostratigraphy on Aghajari growth strata, Zagros folded belt. JMarine and Petroleum Geology, 164, 106828


Structural Style and Timing of NW-SE Zagros Folding in SW Iran: Implications for Petroleum Geology

Open Access



Campanian-Danian Bio- and Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy of Amiran Basin in Lurestan, Zagros

Razmjooei, M.J., Shahryari, S., Kani, A., Ullmann, C. V, Jamali, A.M., Rahimi, S., Vergés, J., Thibault, N., 2021. Integrated bio- and carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Campanian–Danian sedimentary succession in Lurestan (Zagros Basin, Iran): Implications for syntectonic facies distribution and basin evolution. J. Asian Earth Sci. 214, 104779. 79


Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution of Dehdasht Basin, Izeh Zone, Zagros

Heydarzadeh, K., H. Hajialibeigi, J. Vergés, and G. R. Gharabeigli (2021), Tectono sedimentary evolution of the Dehdasht structural basin (Central Zagros, Iran), Tectonophysics 806, 228791.


Pliocene Growth of Dowlatabad Syncline and Folding Propagation  Across the Fars Arc in Zagros

Link to: Folder kmz (Virtual Fieldtrip on Google Earth with Elevation Exaggeration = 1) with the geolocation of the main analyzed field localities, geological maps, and cross-sections from the Pliocene growth of the Dowlatabad syncline in Frontal Fars arc: Folding propagation across the Zagros Fold Belt, Iran, published in the GSA Bulletin by authors.

Assembled by Cristina Biete & Cristina Martínez.

Najafi, M., Beamud, E., Ruh, J., Mouthereau, F., Tahmasbi, A., Bernaola, G., Yassaghi, A., Motamedi, H., Sherkati, S., Goodarzi, M.G.H., Vergés, J., 2021. Pliocene growth of the Dowlatabad syncline in Frontal Fars arc: Folding propagation across the Zagros Fold Belt, Iran. GSA Bull. 133, 1381–1403.

Link to: Dowlatabad growth syncline in Fars


Provenance in NW Dezful embayment, Zagros

Link to: Folder kmz (Virtual Fieldtrip on Google Earth with Elevation Exaggeration = 1) with the geolocation of the main analyzed field localities, geological maps, and cross-sections from the Provenance evolution of Oligocene–Pliocene foreland deposits in the Dezful embayment to constrain Central Zagros exhumation history.

Assembled by Cristina Biete & Cristina Martínez.

Etemad-Saeed, N., Najafi, M., Vergés, J., 2020. Provenance evolution of Oligocene–Pliocene foreland deposits in the Dezful embayment to constrain Central Zagros exhumation history. J. Geol. Soc. London. 177, 799–817.

Link to: Azanak Minibasin (NW Dezful) on Google Maps Satellite View


Jarik  anticline magnetostratigraphy, Dezful embayment, Zagros

Lashgari, A., Hayhat, M.R., Vergés, J., Beamud, E., Najafi, M., Khatib, M.M., Karimnejad, H.R., 2020. Age of synorogenic deposits and timing of folding in Dezful embayment, SW Zagros Fold Belt. Mar. Pet. Geol. 113, 104148.

Link to: NW termination of the Jarik anticline


Dehdasht basin modelling, Izeh Zone, Zagros

Heydarzadeh, K., Ruh, J.B., Vergés, J., Hajialibeigi, H., Gharabeigli, G., 2020. Evolution of a structural basin: Numerical modelling applied to the Dehdasht Basin, Central Zagros, Iran. J. Asian Earth Sci. 187, 104088.


NW Balanced sections across Zagros Fold Belt in Kurdistan

Le Garzic, E., Vergés, J., Sapin, F., Saura, E., Meresse, F., Ringenbach, J.-C., 2019. Evolution of the NW Zagros Fold-and-Thrust Belt in Kurdistan Region of Iraq from balanced and restored crustal-scale sections and forward modeling. J. Struct. Geol. 124, 51–69.

Link to: Along Kurdistan section on Google Maps Satellite View

Link to: Folder kmz (Virtual Fieldtrip on Google Earth with Elevation Exaggeration = 1) with the geolocation of the main analyzed field localities, geological maps, and cross-sections from the Evolution of the NW Zagros Fold-and-Thrust Belt in Kurdistan Region of Iraq from balanced and restored crustal-scale sections and forward modeling published in the Journal of Structural Geology by authors.

Assembled by Cristina Biete & Cristina Martínez.


Petroleum tectonic comparison Zagros-Pyrenees-Sevier-Beni Sub-Andean

Kendall, J., Vergés, J., Koshnaw, R., Louterbach, M., 2019. Petroleum tectonic comparison of fold and thrust belts: the Zagros of Iraq and Iran, the Pyrenees of Spain, the Sevier of Western USA and the Beni Sub-Andean of Bolivia. From Mammerstein, J.A., Di Cuia, R., Cottam , M.A., Zamora, G. Butler, R.W.H. Fold Thrust Belts Struct. Style, Evol. Explor. Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 490, 490, SP490-2018–102. doi:10.1144/SP490-2018-102


Structural evolution of Central Sivas basin, Turkey

Link to: Folder kmz (Virtual Fieldtrip on Google Earth with Elevation Exaggeration = 1) with the geolocation of the main analyzed field localities, geological maps, and cross-sections from the Structure and kinematics of the Central Sivas Basin (Turkey): salt deposition and tectonics in an evolving fold-and-thrust belt published in the Geological Society of London as a Spetial Publication by authors.

Assembled by Cristina Biete & Cristina Martínez.

Legeay, E., Ringenbach, J.-C., Kergaravat, C., Pichat, A., Mohn, G., Vergés, J., Kavak, K.S., Callot, J.-P., 2020. Structure and kinematics of the Central Sivas Basin (Turkey): salt deposition and tectonics in an evolving fold-and-thrust belt. Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 490, 361–396.

Link to: Sivas basin on Google Maps Satellite View


Timing of folding in Lurestan, Zagros

Vergés, J., Emami, H., Garcés, M., Beamud, E., Homke, S., Skott, P., 2019. Zagros Foreland Fold Belt Timing Across Lurestan to Constrain Arabia–Iran Collision, in: A. Saein (Ed.), In: Tectonic and Structural Framework of the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt (A. Saein Ed.). Elsevier. pp. 29–52.

Link to: Lurestan domain Google Maps Satellite View

Link to: Folder kmz (Virtual Fieldtrip on Google Earth) with the geolocation of the main analyzed field localities, geological maps, and cross-sections from the Zagros Foreland Fold Belt Timing Across Lurestan to Constrain ArabiaeIran Collision published in the in volum 3 - Tectonic and Structural Framework of the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt in the book Developments in Structural Geology and Tectonics by authors.

Assembled by Cristina Biete & Cristina Martínez.


Shale-related minibasins, Iranian Makran

Ruh, J. B., Vergés, J., & Burg, J. (2018). Shale-related minibasins atop a massive olistostrome in an active accretionary wedge setting: Two-dimensional numerical modeling applied to the Iranian Makran. Geology, 46(9), 2–5. 

Link to: Western Makran Minibasins on Google Maps Satellite View

Short video (GIF format) showing the evolution of shale minibasins atop of the Miocene giant olistostrome in Western Makran (Iran).

(by Jonas Ruh)


Folding. thrusting and diapirism in north Dezful embayment, Zagros

Link to:  Folder kmz (Virtual Fieldtrip on Google Earth with Elevation Exaggeration = 1) with the geolocation of the main analyzed field localities, geological maps, and cross-sections from the Folding, thrusting and diapirism: Competing mechanisms for shaping the structure of the north Dezful Embayment, Zagros, Iran published in the Basin Research Journal by authors.

Assembled by Cristina Biete & Cristina Martínez.

Najafi, M., Vergés, J., Etemad-Saeed, N., Karimnejad, H.R., 2018. Folding, thrusting and diapirism: Competing mechanisms for shaping the structure of the north Dezful Embayment, Zagros, Iran. Basin Res. 30, 1200–1229.

Link to:  Azanak Minibasin (NW Dezful) on Google Maps Satellite View


Siah Kuh anticline fractures, Lurestan, Zagros

Link to: Siah Kuh anticline on Google Maps Satellite View

Link to:  (Virtual Fieldtrip on Google Earth with Elevation Exaggeration = 1) with the geolocation of the main analyzed field localities, geological maps, and cross-sections from the fracture characterization in sigmoidal folds, with insights from the Siah Kuh anticline in the Zagros (Iran) published in the AAPG Bulletin by authors. 

Assembled by Cristina Biete & Cristina Martínez.

Casini, G., Romaire, I., Casciello, E., Saura, E., Vergés, J., Fernandez, N., & Hunt, D. W. (2018). Fracture characterization in sigmoidal folds: insights from the Siah Kuh anticline, Zagros, Iran. AAPG Bulletin, 102(3), 369–399.                       


Neotectonic Deformation in Central Eurasia

Tunini, L., Jiménez-Munt, I., Fernandez, M., Vergés, J., & Bird, P. (2017). Neotectonic Deformation in Central Eurasia: A Geodynamic Model Approach. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122(11), 9461–9484.


Numerical Modelling of Reactivated Extensional Basement Faults applied to Kopet Dagh, Iran

Ruh, J. B., & Vergés, J. (2017). Effects of reactivated extensional basement faults on structural evolution of fold-and-thrust belts: Insights from numerical modelling applied to the Kopet Dagh Mountains. Tectonophysics.

Short video (GIF format) showing the evolution of a rift basin inverted during compression.

(by Jonas Ruh)


Crust and Upper Mantle structure in the India-Eurasia Collision Zone

Tunini, L., Jiménez-Munt, I., Fernandez, M., Vergés, J., Villaseñor, A., Melchiorre, M., & Afonso, J. C. (2016). Geophysical-petrological model of the crust and upper mantle in the India-Eurasia collision zone. Tectonics, 35(7), 1642–1669.


Lithospheric Structure in Central Eurasia

Robert, A.M.M., Fernàndez, M., Jiménez, I., Vergés, J., 2015. Lithospheric structure in Central Eurasia derived from elevation, geoid anomaly and thermal analysis. Brunet, M.-F., McCann, T. Sobel, E. R. Geol. Evol. Cent. Asian Basins West. Tien Shan Range. Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 427.


Flexural Evolution of the Amiran and Masopotamian Foreland Basins of NW Zagros, Iran

Saura, E., Garcia-Castellanos, D., Casciello, E., Parravano, V., Urruela, A., Vergés, J., 2015. Modeling the flexural evolution of the Amiran and Mesopotamian foreland basins of NW Zagros (Iran). Tectonics.


Lithospheric Mantle Heterogeneities beneath the Zagros Mountains and Iranian Plateau, Iran

Tunini, L., Jiménez-Munt, I., Fernàndez, M., Vergés, J., Villaseñor, A., 2015. Lithospheric mantle heterogeneities beneath the Zagros Mountains and the Iranian Plateau: a petrological-geophysical study. Geophys. J. Int. 200, 1–11.


Najafi, M., Yassaghi, A., Bahroudi, A., Vergés, J., Sherkati, S., 2014. Impact of the Late Triassic Dashtak intermediate detachment horizon on anticline geometry in the Central Frontal Fars, SE Zagros Fold Belt, Iran. Mar. Pet. Geol. 54, 23–36.


Robert, A., Letouzey, J., Kavoosi, M., Sherkati, S., Carla, M., Vergés, J., Agababai, A., 2014. Structural evolution of the Kopet Dagh fold-and-thrust belt (NE Iran) and interactions with the South Caspian Sea Basin and Amu Darya Basin. Mar. Pet. Geol. 57, 68–87.

Link to: Folder kmz (Virtual Fieldtrip on Google Earth with Elevation Exaggeration = 1) with the geolocation of the main analyzed field localities, geological maps, and cross-sections from the structural evolution of the Kopeh Dagh fold-and-thrust belt (NE Iran) and interactions with the South Caspian Sea Basin and Amu Darya Basin.

Assembled by Cristina Biete & Cristina Martínez.


Link to: Folder kmz (Virtual Fieldtrip on Google Earth with Elevation Exaggeration = 1) with the geolocation of the main analyzed field localities, geological maps, and cross-sections from the growth fold controls on carbonate distribution in mixed foreland basins: insights from the Amiran foreland basin (NWZagros, Iran) and stratigraphic numerical modelling published in the Basin Research Journal by authors.

Assembled by Cristina Biete & Cristina Martínez.

Saura, E., Embry, J.-C., Vergés, J., Hunt, D.W., Casciello, E., Homke, S., 2013. Growth fold controls on carbonate distribution in mixed foreland basins: insights from the Amiran foreland basin (NW Zagros, Iran) and stratigraphic numerical modelling. Basin Res. 25, 149–171.


Mouthereau, F., Lacombe, O., Vergés, J., 2012. Building the Zagros collisional orogen: Timing, strain distribution and the dynamics of Arabia/Eurasia plate convergence. Tectonophysics.


Jiménez-Munt, I., Fernàndez, M., Saura, E., Vergés, J., Garcia-Castellanos, D., 2012. 3-D lithospheric structure and regional/residual Bouguer anomalies in the Arabia-Eurasia collision (Iran). Geophys. J. Int. 190, 1311–1324.


Vergés, J., Saura, E., Casciello, E., Fernàndez, M., Villaseñor, A., Jiménez-Munt, I., García-Castellanos, D., 2011b. Crustal-scale cross-sections across the NW Zagros belt: implications for the Arabian margin reconstruction. Geol. Mag. 148, 739–761.

Link to: Lurestan domain map


Casini, G., Gillespie, P.A., Vergés, J., Romaire, I., Fernández, N., Casciello, E., Saura, E., Mehl, C., Homke, S., Embry, J.-C., Aghajari, L., Hunt, D.W., 2011. Sub-seismic fractures in foreland fold and thrust belts: insight from the Lurestan Province, Zagros Mountains, Iran. Pet. Geosci. 17, 263–282.


Saura, E., Vergés, J., Homke, S., Blanc, E., Serra-Kiel, J., Bernaola, G., Casciello, E., Fernández, N., Romaire, I., Casini, G., Embry, J.-C., Sharp, I.R., Hunt, D.W., 2011. Basin architecture and growth folding of the NW Zagros early foreland basin during the Late Cretaceous and early Tertiary. J. Geol. Soc. London. 168, 235–250.

+  Supplementary Files.


Vergés, J., Goodarzi, M.G.H., Emami, H., Karpuz, R., Efstathiou, J., Gillespie, P., 2011a. Multiple Detachment Folding in Pusht-e Kuh Arc, Zagros: Role of Mechanical Stratigraphy. AAPG Mem. 94 Chapter 4, 69–94.

Link to: Kabir Kuh anticline map

Link to: Kabir Kuh pictures 


The Mountain Frontal Flexure along the Anaran anticline, Lurestan

Link to: Folder kmz (Virtual Fieldtrip on Google Earth with Elevation Exaggeration = 1) with the geolocation of the main analyzed field localities, geological maps, and cross-sections from the structure of the Mountain Front Flexure along the Anaran anticline in the Pusht-e Kuh Arc (NW Zagros, Iran), with insights from sand box models.

Assembled by Cristina Biete & Cristina Martínez.

Emami, H., Vergés, J., Nalpas, T., Gillespie, P., Sharp, I., Karpuz, R., Blanc, E.P., Goodarzi, M.G.H., 2010. Structure of the Mountain Front Flexure along the Anaran anticline in the Pusht-e Kuh Arc (NW Zagros, Iran): insights from sand box models. Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 330, 155–178.       

Link to: Anaran anticline map


Homke, S., Vergés, J., Van Der Beek, P., Fernàndez, M., Saura, E., Barbero, L., Badics, B., Labrin, E., 2010. Insights in the exhumation history of the NW Zagros from bedrock and detrital apatite fission-track analysis: evidence for a long-lived orogeny. Basin Res. 22, 659–680.

Link to: Lurestan domain map


Khadivi, S., Mouthereau, F., Larrasoaña, J.-C., Vergés, J., Lacombe, O., Khademi, E., Beamud, E., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M., 2010. Magnetochronology of synorogenic Miocene foreland sediments in the Fars arc of the Zagros Folded Belt (SW Iran). Basin Res. 22, 918–932.

Link to: Chahar-Makan syncline map (in Fars arc)


Sharp, I., Gillespie, P., Morsalnezhad, D., Taberner, C., Karpuz, R., Vergés, J., Horbury, A., Pickard, N., Garland, J., Hunt, D., 2010. Stratigraphic architecture and fracture-controlled dolomitization of the Cretaceous Khami and Bangestan groups: an outcrop case study, Zagros Mountains, Iran. Ref. Model. Mesozoic Cenozoic carbonate Syst. Eur. Middle East – Stratigr. diagenesis, Ed. by F. van Buchem, K. Gerdes M. Esteban, Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 329, 343–396.

Link to: NW dome of the Anaran anticline map

Link to: Folder kmz (Virtual Fieldtrip on Google Earth with Elevation Exaggeration = 1) with the geolocation of the main analyzed field localities, geological maps, and cross-sections from the stratigraphic architecture and fracture-controlled dolomitization of the Cretaceous Khami and Bangestan groups, an outcrop case study in Zagros Mountains (Iran), published in Geological Society Special Publications by authors.

Assembled by Cristina Biete & Cristina Martínez.


Casciello, E., Vergés, J., Saura, E., Casini, G., Fernández, N., Blanc, E., Homke, S., Hunt, D.W., 2009. Fold patterns and multilayer rheology of the Lurestan Province, Zagros Simply Folded Belt (Iran). J. Geol. Soc. London. 166, 947–959.

Link to kmz archives:  Virtual Fieldtrip on Google Earth with Elevation Exaggeration = 1) with the geolocation of the main analyzed field localities, geological maps, and cross-sections from the structure of the fold patterns and multilayer rheology of the Lurestan Province, Zagros Simply Folded Belt (Iran) published in the Journal of the Geological Society by authors. 

Assembled by Cristina Biete & Cristina Martínez.


Link to: Folder kmz (Virtual Fieldtrip on Google Earth with Elevation Exaggeration = 1) with the geolocation of the main analyzed field localities, geological maps, and cross-sections from theLate Cretaceous–Paleocene formation of the proto–Zagros foreland basin, Lurestan Province, SW Iran published in GSA Bulletin by authors.

Assembled by Cristina Biete & Cristina Martínez.

Homke, S., Vergés, J., Serra-Kiel, J., Bernaola, G., Sharp, I., Garcés, M., Montero-Verdu, I., Karpuz, R., Goodarzi, M.H., 2009. Late Cretaceous-Paleocene formation of the proto-Zagros foreland basin, Lurestan Province, SW Iran. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 121, 963–978.

Link to: Amiran anticline in the Lurestan arc

Vergés, J., 2007. Drainage responses to oblique and lateral thrust ramps: a review. G. Nichols, C. Paola, E. Williams, eds., Sediment. Process. Environ. basins a Tribut. to Peter Friend, v. Int. Assoc. Sedimentol. Spec. Publ. vol. 38. Chapter 3, Blackwell Publ. p. 29-47. 38, 29–47.



Homke, S. (2007). Timing of shortening and uplift of the Pusht-e Kuh arc in the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt (Iran). A combined magnetostratigraphy and apatite thermochronology analysis. 

PhD Thesis University of Barcelona, 213 pages.

Link to: Homke PhD 2007


Emami, H. (2008). Foreland propagation folding and structure of the Mountain Front Flexure in the Pusht-e Kuh arc (NW Zagros, Iran). 

PhD University Barcelona, 199 pages.

Link to: Emami PhD 2008


Two-step evolution maps of the northwest region of the Zagros in Iran during late Miocene and Pliocene times (Agha Jari Formation) showing the ancestral foreland fluvial system.

Vergés, J., 2007. Drainage responses to oblique and lateral thrust ramps: a review. G. Nichols, C. Paola, E. Williams, eds., Sediment. Process. Environ. basins a Tribut. to Peter Friend, v. Int. Assoc. Sedimentol. Spec. Publ. vol. 38. Chapter 3, Blackwell Publ. p. 29-47. 38, 29–47.

Link to: Mesopotamian Basin and NW Persian Gulf map


First magnetostratigraphy in Zagros growth strata: Timing of folding in Lurestan

Homke, S., Vergés, J., Garcés, M., Emami, H., Karpuz, R., 2004. Magnetostratigraphy of Miocene-Pliocene Zagros foreland deposits in the front of the Push-e Kush Arc (Lurestan Province, Iran). Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 225, 397–410.

Link to: Changuleh growth syncline map

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