Useful Labor Data Links

Here are some useful links to publicly-available labor market data sources, many of which I use (and some I have even helped create!)

Survey of Consumer Expectations (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)

The Main SCE Survey

Our Supplement to the SCE

Other Labor-Related SCE Supplements  (also available via the SCE Data Bank)

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

The Basics

Additional Establishment Surveys

Administrative Data

U.S. Census Bureau 

Administrative Data

Individual and Household Data

Accessing Confidential U.S. Microdata

Both the BLS and Census Bureau have procedures in place for researchers to access the underlying confidential microdata for most of the above programs.  Both agencies require a detailed proposal for a specific project that will use one or more confidential data sources. Some details are below, though the U.S. Federal Government recently streamlined its confidential data access application process to work through a single portal at At this site, you can browse all the data sets one can apply to access across multiple agencies (including BLS and Census) through the website, and use the Standard Application Process to request access to the data (though I would advise contacting the agency/data program directly to make sure you include all relevant information in your research proposal).