Current Research

Research in Progress

Skills, Migration, and Urban Amenities over the Life Cycle (January 2024), with David Albouy

The Shifting Reasons for Beveridge Curve Shifts, NBER Working Paper No. 31783 (October 2023), with Gadi Barlevy, Bart Hobijn, and Ayşegül Şahin

Job Search and the Gender Wage Gap (October 2021) ,with Andreas Mueller and Ayşegül Şahin

The Persistent Effects of World War II Manufacturing Investments on the Location of U.S. Economic Activity  (July 2020)

Older Working Papers

Revisiting the Role of Home Production in Life-Cycle Labor Supply (FRB Chicago Working Paper No. 2015-02, April 2015)

Quits, Worker Recruitment, and Firm Growth: Theory and Evidence (January 2011), with Éva Nagypál

   Earlier version: FRB Philadelphia Working Paper No. 08-13 (June 2008)