Grade 9

Creativity - Cooking

As a 9th grader, I would describe the process of making steak and rice as a fun and exciting adventure in the kitchen. It all starts with the idea of wanting to make a delicious and satisfying meal for myself or my family. First, I would gather all the necessary ingredients such as the steak, rice, salt, pepper, and any other seasoning I want to add. I would then start by preparing the rice in a rice cooker. While the rice is cooking, I would move on to the steak. I would season the steak with salt and pepper and then heat up a pan with some oil. Once the pan is hot, I would place the steak on it and let it cook for a few minutes on each side until it's cooked to my liking. The sizzling sound of the steak cooking and the aroma filling the kitchen, give me an idea of what spices to add on and how long the steak needs to cook for. Once the steak is done, I would let it rest for a few minutes to allow the juices to settle. In the meantime, I would plate the rice and maybe even add some vegetables as a side dish. Finally, I would slice the steak and place it on top of the rice, creating a mouth-watering and visually appealing dish. The best part of the creative process of making steak and rice is experimenting with different seasonings and cooking techniques to make the dish unique and personalized. It's a great way to express creativity in the kitchen and have fun while making a delicious meal. I had to attempt to make this meal multiple times for it to turn out well since I had no prior experience in the kitchen. This shows my commitment to the overall process, and my determination to learn to be a better chef. Throughout this process I was able to identify my strengths and weaknesses as a chef that showed in the resulting meal. I would identify that maybe I don't have a good feel for time and temperature as initially I overcooked my steak.  However, through identifying this I was able to adjust my methods and improve the end result. 

CAS Learning Outcomes:​

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Activity - Tennis

As a 14-year-old tennis player, competing in an ITF junior tournament was a thrilling and challenging experience. The level of competition was intense, and the players were all skilled and driven. The pressure was high, and I had to bring my A-game to every match. I remember feeling both nervous and excited as I stepped onto the court, knowing that every point counted and that one mistake could cost me the match. Despite the pressure, I tried to stay focused and play my best. I drew on my training and experience to make quick decisions and execute my shots with precision. There were moments of frustration and disappointment, but I also felt a sense of pride and accomplishment when I played well and won a match. Playing in the tournament helped me develop as a player and learn new strategies and techniques. I also had the opportunity to meet and compete against players from all over the world, which was a great experience. Looking back, I am grateful for the opportunity to have played in the ITF junior tournament as a 14-year-old. It was a challenging and rewarding experience that helped me grow as a player and gain confidence in my abilities. 

CAS Learning Outcomes:​

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Service - K9 club

I thought it was my duty as a K9 member to support the club, and one way students can do this is by buying a K9 shirt. In addition to providing financial assistance for the club's future meetings, it also gives me the impression that I am a part of something important. Certainly, you could argue that joining the club automatically makes you a member, but after receiving the shirt, I felt more a part of the group and was inspired to contribute what I could. The funds also go to the CHSA-Thai dog shelter's support fund, which was one of the club's main contributions at the time. Furthermore, I made sure I played an active role as a minor club member since it was my first year. Although I didn't make many significant changes, I was able to participate in discussions and voice some ideas.

CAS Learning Outcomes:​

4: Working collaboratively with others

7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions