Grade 12

Creativity - Hawaii Photography

 I was beyond excited to explore the beautiful nature and environment of Hawaii. One of the things that I was really looking forward to was taking photos to capture all the memories that I would make during my trip. For me, taking photos was not just about documenting my experiences, but it was also a creative process that allowed me to capture the essence of the environment and the unique beauty that I was surrounded by. I wanted my photos to be more than just simple snapshots. I wanted them to be a reflection of the emotions that I felt while exploring this breathtaking location. To achieve this, I took my time to carefully compose each shot, considering the lighting, the framing, and the overall mood of the scene. I played around with different angles, focal points, and depths of field to create visually interesting images that would not only showcase the natural beauty of Hawaii but also capture the sense of adventure and excitement that I was feeling. As I looked through my photos at the end of my trip, I realized that my images had indeed become a creative representation of my experiences. Each photo told a unique story, and together they served as a perfect recap of my unforgettable summer science camp trip to Hawaii.

CAS Learning Outcomes:​

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Activity - Badminton Tournament

Playing in a school badminton doubles tournament was definitely a challenge for me, especially since I had little experience playing badminton. I remember feeling a bit nervous and unsure of myself, but I was also excited to give it my best shot and learn something new in the process. One of the main challenges I faced was getting used to the speed and agility required for badminton. The quick reflexes and fast-paced movements required a level of coordination and athleticism that I wasn't used to. However, I was determined to improve and worked hard during practice to build up my skills and techniques. Another challenge was working effectively with my doubles partner. We had to learn how to communicate and coordinate our movements, both on and off the court. It was important for us to work together as a team and support each other, even when we made mistakes. Despite the challenges, I learnt a lot from participating in the tournament. For one, I learned the importance of perseverance and practice. I had to keep working on my skills and technique, even when it felt like progress was slow. I also learned the value of teamwork and communication. Working effectively with my partner was crucial to our success, and it taught me important lessons about collaboration and support. Overall, playing in the school badminton doubles tournament was a memorable and valuable experience. It taught me the importance of stepping out of my comfort zone, trying new things, and learning from challenges. It was a great opportunity to grow both as an athlete and as a person

CAS Learning Outcomes:​

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Working collaboratively with others

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Service - Wells Clean Up

For my last service requirement Takumi and I picked up trash from the school driveway, parking lot, and sidewalk. To do this task we decided to split up tasks between the two of us to make sure we covered as much area as efficiently as possible. The main challenges were getting trash in between the bushes, the heat, and working together as a team. Through picking up trash around the school I realized the true impact of a clean up experience. Though it was on a smaller scale than LOL club's Bang Saen clean up I was able to get a glimpse of the learning experience and the difference I could make in the community I clean up. The experience gave me a sense of collaboration with my clean up partner Takumi as I learned to work with him through a clean up task. I hope that through this service I was able to impact the school both physically, by the way the cleaned areas look, but also I hope that it lifted the atmosphere and creates a place that is more welcoming to all. This is a valuable experience because it taught me to take pride in my school, and reminded me to take care of my surroundings to combat the world's battle with global warming. It opened my eyes to the active role we can take to contribute to preserving and enhancing the enviroment and set a good example for those around me. 

CAS Learning Outcomes:

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions