Grade 10

Creativity - Cooking Pasta

 I've always enjoyed cooking and trying out new recipes, but I've been really fascinated by the process of making fresh pasta from scratch. It all started when I was watching cooking videos on YouTube and came across a tutorial on how to make homemade fettuccine. I was intrigued by how simple the ingredients were - just flour, eggs, and a bit of salt - yet how much skill and technique went into creating the perfect dough. Since then, I've been practicing my pasta-making skills every chance I get. I've experimented with different types of flour, tried out various pasta shapes, and even made my own flavored pastas using ingredients like spinach and tomato. What I love about making pasta is that it's both challenging and rewarding. It takes patience and practice to get the dough just right, but the end result is always worth it. Plus, there are endless possibilities when it comes to sauces and toppings to pair with the pasta. Overall, my interest in making pasta has stemmed from my love of cooking and my desire to constantly learn new skills in the kitchen. It's been a fun and delicious journey so far.

CAS Learning Outcomes:​

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Activity - Tennis

Tennis has always been one of my favorite sports, and I was determined to keep playing even when everything else was shut down. At first, it was tough. All the tennis courts in my area were closed, and I didn't have anyone to play with. But then I got creative. I set up a makeshift court in my backyard using some old chalk and a net I found online. It wasn't the most professional setup, but it get me through it. I also started playing with my family members who were at home with me during the lockdown. We would take turns playing against each other, and it was a great way to stay active and have fun together. As things started to reopen, I was able to get back to playing on real tennis courts. But things were different. We had to wear masks, maintain social distancing, and use hand sanitizer frequently. It was definitely an adjustment, but it was worth it to be able to play the sport I loved. Overall, playing tennis during the COVID-19 lockdown taught me the importance of adaptability and resilience. It showed me that even when things seem impossible, there's always a way to keep doing what you love.

CAS Learning Outcomes:​

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Working collaboratively with others

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Service - K9 club

In grade 10, I was invited, along with my classmates, to take possession of the booth for a predetermined amount of time before the Songkran Break. We were promoting the purpose of our booth while also selling snacks and t-shirts to clients and bystanders. Informing people about the soi dog community in Thailand and their need for assistance was a lot of fun. I believe that the K9 organization has genuinely benefited the Thai soi dog population. The CHSA-Thai dog shelter, a local Thai shelter, received the booth's revenues as a donation.

CAS Learning Outcomes:

4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions