Grade 11

Creativity - Cooking Healthy Food

 When I first started going to the gym regularly, I noticed that I was feeling more energized and motivated to take care of my body. I started to see changes in my physical health, such as gaining muscle and losing weight. As a result, I became more interested in learning about how to nourish my body properly. At first, I was a little intimidated by the idea of cooking healthy food. I had always been used to eating whatever I wanted, without paying much attention to the nutritional content of my meals. However, as I started to do more research and learn about the benefits of different foods, I began to see cooking as a fun and creative way to take care of my body. I started experimenting with different recipes, trying out new ingredients, and finding ways to make my favorite dishes healthier. I discovered that cooking can be a really enjoyable and rewarding activity, especially when you're making food that not only tastes great but also makes you feel great. Overall, I found that my love for going to the gym and my newfound passion for cooking healthy food go hand in hand. By taking care of my body in both of these ways, I'm able to feel my best and live a healthy, fulfilling life.

CAS Learning Outcomes:​

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Activity - Basketball

When I first started playing basketball, it was just something I did for fun with my friends. We would shoot hoops and play pick-up games at the local park or in someone's driveway. But as I got more into the sport, I started to realize that I had a real passion for it. I started practicing more and working on my skills, and eventually I joined my school's basketball team. At first, I was nervous about playing at a more competitive level, but I was also excited to challenge myself and see how far I could go. As I began to play on the varsity team, I learned a lot of important lessons about teamwork, communication, and perseverance. I discovered that basketball is not just about individual skill, but also about how well you can work together with your teammates to achieve a common goal. I also learned a lot about leadership, as I became one of the more experienced players on the team. I tried to set a good example for my teammates by working hard, staying positive, and encouraging everyone to do their best. One of the things I enjoyed most about playing varsity basketball was the sense of camaraderie and community that developed among the players. We all shared a love of the game, and we supported each other both on and off the court. Overall, playing varsity basketball was an incredible experience that taught me a lot about myself and about what it takes to be a successful athlete and teammate. I will always cherish the memories I made and the skills I developed during my time on the team.

CAS Learning Outcomes:​

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Working collaboratively with others

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Service - LOL Club

During the presentation, we shared information about the importance of the ocean, the threats it faces, and the ways in which we can all take action to protect it. We used visuals and interactive activities to keep the younger students engaged and encourage participation. Seeing their excitement and curiosity about the topic was incredibly rewarding and made the experience even more enjoyable. Overall, we believe that the school community benefited greatly from this ocean awareness presentation. The younger students learned about an important issue that they may not have been familiar with before, and they were inspired to take action to protect the ocean. Additionally, our presentation allowed me to develop valuable skills such as public speaking, research, and presentation design. Finally, it brought attention to an important environmental issue and hopefully motivated the school community to take steps to reduce their impact on the ocean.

CAS Learning Outcomes:

3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Creativity - Water Color Painting

I discovered my love for watercolors during my sophomore year. I enjoyed the way the colors blended together and how the paint flowed on the paper. One day, I stumbled upon a beautiful photograph of a building landscape. The colors and the peaceful atmosphere of the image inspired me to try and recreate it in watercolors. I found myself daydreaming about the painting and wanting to capture the beauty of the scene on paper. So, I decided to take my love for watercolors beyond the classroom and paint the picture in my own time. I went to the art supply store and picked out the perfect watercolor paper and a set of high-quality paints. I set up a workspace in my room and spent hours carefully layering the colors and blending them together to create the perfect recreation. As I painted, I felt a sense of calm and satisfaction wash over me. It was like I was transported to the place and watching the scene in real life. I was proud of the final result, and even more importantly, I felt like I had discovered a new hobby that brought me joy and relaxation. From that day on, I continued to paint in my free time, experimenting with different subjects and techniques. Watercolor painting had become more than just a class assignment; it was a way for me to express myself and escape from the stresses of school and daily life.

CAS Learning Outcomes:

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Activity - Team Tennis Tournament

As a high school junior and the captain of my tennis team, leading my team to at an international school competition was a challenging and rewarding experience. Throughout this journey, I learned a lot about leadership, teamwork, and perseverance. One of the most important skills I acquired was leadership. As the captain, I had to take charge of the team and ensure that everyone was working together effectively towards our common goal. I had to motivate and encourage my teammates to push themselves to do their best, even when they were tired or feeling discouraged. I also learned a lot about teamwork. Tennis is often thought of as an individual sport, but in this competition, we had to work together as a team to achieve success. We had to communicate effectively with each other and support each other both on and off the court. This experience helped me understand the importance of collaboration and how working together can make a significant difference. Perseverance was another critical skill I acquired. There were times during the competition when we faced difficult opponents, or we were losing a match. In those moments, I had to rally my team and help them stay focused on the game. We had to push through our setbacks and keep our eyes on the prize. This experience taught me that setbacks are a natural part of any journey, but with determination and hard work, we can overcome them. Overall, being the captain of my tennis team in an international school competition was a fantastic experience that taught me a lot about leadership, teamwork, and perseverance. I feel grateful to have had this opportunity, and I know that the skills I acquired will serve me well in the future.

CAS Learning Outcomes:​

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Working collaboratively with others

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Service - Valorant Charity Tournament

I had the opportunity to organize and host a Valorant charity tournament, with the goal of raising funds for a disabled home in need. It was a lot of work, but also an incredibly rewarding experience. My team and I spent weeks planning and preparing for the event, reaching out to potential participants and sponsors, and setting up the livestream and donation platform. On the day of the tournament, there was a lot of excitement and energy in the air. The teams competing were all passionate about the game and about supporting the cause, and it was inspiring to see everyone come together for a common goal. The matches were intense and exciting, and the livestream received a lot of attention and engagement from viewers. One of the most fulfilling aspects of the experience was seeing how much support we were able to generate for the disabled home. Thanks to the entry fees, donations, and contributions from sponsors, we were able to raise a significant amount of money for the cause. It was heartwarming to know that we were able to make a real difference in the lives of people who needed it. Overall, organizing and hosting a Valorant charity tournament was an incredibly positive experience. It required a lot of hard work and dedication, but it was more than worth it to see the impact we were able to make. I hope to have the opportunity to do something like this again in the future, and to continue supporting causes that are important to me and my community

CAS Learning Outcomes:​

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

4: Working collaboratively with others

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

​7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions