
Serving the academic community is a key activity of my daily work. In my continous academic service, I am Track Chair at various conferences such as WI and AMCIS and Associate Editor at major IS conferences such as ICIS, ECIS, AOM CTO/OCIS Division, and WI and I serve as a reviewer for various international journals (e.g., MISQ, JAIS, EJIS, BISE, AIS THCI, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, Electronic Markets) and conferences (e.g., ICIS, ECIS, HICSS, ACIS, WI, DESRIST). My work was recognized as outstanding reviewer at EJIS (2023), best Associate Editor at ECIS (2024), and with best reviewer nominations at ICIS 2018 and WI 2021. 

Extraordinary activities for the community mark my work as a review coordinator for ICIS 2019 (Munich, Germany) and my work as the review-/program management at WI 2017 (St.Gallen, Switzerland). At both conferences, I arranged and supervised the review process from the system set-up, to the initial submission and the final program. In 2023, I co-organized with my colleagues from IWI-HSG the Junior Faculty event of the German-speaking Information Systems community ("Wirtschaftsinformatik-Nachwuchs-Treffen" - https://wint.iwi.unisg.ch). Further, I am currently apponted as Associate Vice President for Education Curations by the  Association for Information Systems (AIS)

ICIS 2019 Appreciation for Review Coordinators: Matthias Söllner and myself with the Conference Chairs Jane Fedorowicz and Helmut Krcmar

WI 2017 Appreciation for my role as Review- and Programmanagement by the Conference Chairs Jan Marco Leimeister and Walter Brenner

Group Picture of the WINT 2023 Organizers