
Selected Publications

We present in our AMLE paper "Ladders for Learning: Is Scaffolding the Key to Teaching Problem-Solving in Technology-Mediated Learning Contexts?" insights on how scaffolding helps to manage cognitive load in online learning phases of flipped classrooms and how scaffolding contributes to better problem-solving performance of students.

Our EJIS paper "Capturing the complexity of gamification elements" provides taxonomy for the gamification of information systems. By providing a holistic taxonomy approach, we present novel insights for analysing existing and deriving novel gamification designs.

With our JAIS paper "Value Co-Creation in Smart Services: A Functional Affordances Perspective on Smart Personal Assistants" we provide a twofold contribution for the understanding and design of smart personal assistants. We disentangle SPA features by developing a taxonomy of material properties for SPAs and archetypical SPAs. In addition, we theorize on how functional affordances of SPAs relate to value co-creation in smart service systems. 

In our JAIS paper "The Role of AI-Based Artifacts’ Voice Capabilities for Agency Attribution" we theorize about how conversational capabilities obscure our understanding of conversational AI's "true" intelligence, i.e., how competent, autonomous, and smart conversational AI actually is.

Our JIT paper "Process is King: Evaluating the Performance of Technology-mediated Learning in Vocational Software Training" provides novel insights for research and practice considered with blended learning. We provide a holistic model to evaluate the performance of blended learning trainings and empirical insights for the importance of learning processes. 

Publication List

Forthcoming and Online First

Dickhaut, E.; Janson, A.; Söllner, M. & Leimeister, J. M. (online first): Lawfulness by Design – Development and Evaluation of Lawful Design Patterns to Consider Legal Requirements. In: European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS). doi: 10.1080/0960085X.2023.2174050 [Full Text]

Klee, S. & Janson, A. (online first): Investigating Relevant Data in Automotive Procurement Departments: External Shocks as Transparency Creator for Data Deficits in Decision-Making. In: Information Systems Frontiers (ISF). doi: 10.1007/s10796-023-10444-z [Full Text]

Wambsganss, T.; Janson, A.; Söllner, M.; Koedinger, K. & Leimeister, J. M. (online first): Improving Students’ Argumentation Skills Using Dynamic Machine Learning (ML)-based Modeling. In: Information Systems Research (ISR) [Full Text]


Benner, D.; Schöbel, S.; Janson, A. & Leimeister, J. M. (2024): Engaging Minds – How Gamified Chatbots can Support and Motivate Learners in Digital Education. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) (Vol. 57) [Full Text]

Schöbel, S.; Schmitt, A.; Benner, D.; Saqr, M.; Janson, A. & Leimeister, J. M. (2024): Charting the Evolution and Future of Conversational Agents: A Research Agenda Along Five Waves and New Frontiers. In: Information Systems Frontiers (ISF). Vol. 26 (2), 729-754. doi:  10.1007/s10796-023-10375-9 [Full Text]

Thiel de Gafenco, M.; Weinert T.; Janson A.; Leimeister, J. M. & Klusmeyer, J. (2024): Shared Digital Artifacts – Co-Creators as Beneficiaries in Microlearning Development. In: Education and Information Technologies. Vol. 29, 7129–7154. doi: 10.1007/s10639-023-12074-z [Full Text]

Tolzin, A.; Knoth, N. & Janson, A. (2024): Worked Examples to Facilitate the Development of Prompt Engineering Skills. In: ECIS 2024 Proceedings [Full Text]

Knoth, N.; Tolzin, A.; Janson, A. & Leimeister, J.M. (2024): AI Literacy and its Implications for Prompt Engineering Strategies. In: Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 6, June 2024, doi: 10.1016/j.caeai.2024.100225  [Full Text]


Berkle, Y.; Janson, A.; Wambsganß, T.; Löfflad, D.; Leimeister, J. M.; & Leuchter, M. (2023): Measuring students’ argumentation skills: validation of a test instrument. In: EARLI Conference (EARLI). Thessaloniki, Greece. [Link to Abstract]

Berkle, Y.; Schmitt, L.; Tolzin, A.; Janson, A.; Wambsganß, T.; Leimeister, J. M.; & Leuchter, M. (2023): Measuring university students' ability to recognize argument structures and fallacies. In: Frontiers in Psychology. Vol. 14.  doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1270931 [Full Text]

🏅 Dickhaut, A.; Janson, A.; Hevner, A. & Leimeister J. M. (2023): Sharing Design Knowledge Through Codification in Interdisciplinary DSR Collaborations. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) (Vol. 56) [Full Text] *Best Paper Nominee*

Dickhaut, A.; Li, M. & Janson, A. (2023): How Videoconferencing and its Affordances Transformed Teaching in Schools During COVID-19 Pandemic. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) (Vol. 56) [Full Text]

Gleich, T.; Schöbel, S. & Janson, A. (2023): Meetings at Digital Workplaces – An Experimental Approach to Analyze Group Attachment and Organizational Commitment in Digital Worlds. In: ECIS 2023 [Link to Full Text in AISeL]

Janson, A. (2023): How to Leverage Anthropomorphism for Chatbot Service Interfaces: The Interplay of Communication Style and Personification. In: Computers in Human Behavior. Volume 149 (December), 107954, doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2023.107954 [Full Text]

Janson, A.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Schöbel, S. & Sunyaev, A. (2023): Special Issue Editorial: Adaptive and Intelligent Gamification Design. In: AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction Vol 15 (2), 136–145. doi: 10.17705/1thci.00186. [Link to Full Text in AISeL]

Janson, A.; Schmitt, A. & Bevilacqua, T. (2023): Disentangling Trust in Voice Assistants - A Configurational View on Conversational AI Ecosystems. In: Academy of Management Meeting 2023

Klee, S.; Janson, A. & Leimeister, J. M. (2023): Automotive Manufacturers and Their Stumble from one Supply Crisis to Another: Procurement Departments Could be the Game Changer by Using Data Analytics, but…. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) (Vol. 56) [Full Text]

Purohit, A.; Barev, T.; Schöbel, S.; Janson, A. & Holzer, A. (2023): Designing for Digital Wellbeing on a Smartphone: Co-creation of Digital Nudges to Mitigate Instagram Overuse. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) (Vol. 56) [Full Text]

Schmitt, A.; Rentsch, S. & Janson, A. (2023): Social Audio: Conceptualizing Voice-Based Online Social Networks and their Privacy Implications. In: Academy of Management Meeting 2023

Schmitt, A.; Zierau, N.; Janson, A. & Leimeister J. M. (2023): The Role of AI-Based Artifacts’ Voice Capabilities for Agency Attribution. In: Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) Vol 24 (4), 980–1004. doi: 10.17705/1jais.00827 [Link to Full Text in AISeL]

Schöbel, S.; Janson, A.; Leimeister, J. M. (2023): Gamification of Online Training – How Points and Badges can drive Engagement and Problem-Solving Skills in Management Learning. In: Journal of Management Education (JME), Vol. 47 (2), 166–203. doi: 10.1177/10525629221123287 [Full Text]

🏆 Tolzin, A.; Körner, A.; Dickhaut, E.; Janson, A.; Rummer, R.; Leimeister, J. M. (2023): Designing Pedagogical Conversational Agents for Achieving Common Ground. In: DESRIST 2023 *Best Paper Award* [Link to Full Text on SpringerLink]

Tolzin, A. & Janson, A. (2023): Mechanisms of Common Ground in Human-Agent Interaction: A Systematic Review of Conversational Agent Research. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) (Vol. 56) [Full Text]

Weinert T.; Billert, M. S.; Thiel de Gafenco, M.; Janson A. & Leimeister, J. M. (2023): Designing a Co-creation System for the Development of Work-process-related Learning Material in Manufacturing. In: Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). Number 1, Vol. 32, 5-53. doi: 10.1007/s10606-021-09420-5 [Full Text]  


Barev, T. J., Dickhaut, E., Schomberg, S., Janson, A., Schöbel, S., Grote, T., Hornung, G., & Leimeister, J. M. 2022. Handlungsbroschüre. Systematisches Design digitaler Privacy Nudges: Kassel University Press; kassel. doi: 10.17170/kobra-202210287049 [Full Text]

Benner, D.; Schöbel, S.; Janson, A. & Leimeister, J. M. (2022): How to Achieve Ethical Persuasive Design: A Review and Theoretical Propositions for Information Systems. In: AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (THCI). Number 4, Vol. 14, 548-577. doi: 10.17705/1thci.00179 [Full Text]

Benner, D.; Schöbel, S.; Janson, A. & Leimeister, J. M. (2022): Can you help me scale? A Systematic Analysis of Scaling Capabilities of Conversational Agents for Digital Services. In: International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) [Full Text]

Benner, D.; Schöbel, S.; Süess, C.; Baechle, V. & Janson, A. (2022): Level-Up your Learning - Introducing a Framework for Gamified Educational Conversational Agents. In: International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) [Full Text]

Benner, D.; Janson, A. & Schöbel, S. (2022): Towards Conversational Co-Creation of Learning Content in Digital Higher Education. In: Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS. Copenhagen, Denmark.

Billert, M. S.; Weinert, T.; Thiel de Gafenco, M.; Janson, A.; Klusmeyer, J. & Leimeister, J. M. (2022): Vocational Training with Microlearning - How Low-Immersive 360-Degree Learning Environments Support Work-Process-Integrated Learning. In: IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. doi:10.1109/TLT.2022.3176777 [Full Text]

Dickhaut, E.; Janson, A. & Leimeister, J. M. (2022): Conceptualizing Design Knowledge in IS Research – A Review and Taxonomy of Design Knowledge Properties.  In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) [Full Text]

Dickhaut, A.; Li, M. M.; Janson, A. & Leimeister J. M. (2022): The Role of Design Patterns in the Development and Legal Assessment of Lawful Technologies. In: Electronic Markets. Number: 4, Vol. 32, pp. 2311–2331, doi: 10.1007/s12525-022-00597-1 [Full Text]

Dickhaut, E.; Thies, L. F.; Janson, A.; Leimeister, J. M. & Söllner, M. (2022): Entwurfsmuster für die interdisziplinäre Gestaltung rechtsverträglicher Systeme. In: Selbstbestimmung, Privatheit und Datenschutz, Wiesbaden. [Full Text]

Dickhaut, E.; Janson, A.; & Leimeister, J. M. (2022): It Takes Two to Tango: Design Thinking and Design Patterns for Better System Development. In: J. Hehn, D. Mendez, W. Brenner & M. Broy (Eds.), Design Thinking for Software Engineering: Creating Human-oriented Software-intensive Products and Services: 201–211. Cham: Springer International Publishing. [Full Text at SpringerLink]

Elshan, E.; Zierau, N.; Engel, C.; Janson, A. & Leimeister J. M. (2022): Understanding the Design Elements Affecting User Acceptance of Intelligent Agents: Past, Present and Future. In: Information Systems Frontiers. Number: 3, Vol. 36. doi:10.1007/s10796-021-10230-9 [Full Text]

Elshan, E., Zierau, N., Janson, A., & Leimeister, J. M. (2022) How Conversational Agents Relieve Teams from Innovation Blockages. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022. doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2022.15648abstract [Link to Abstract]

Janson, A. (2022): Exploring the Dynamics of Affordance Actualization – A Configurational View on Voice Assistants. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022. doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2022.12829abstract [Link to Abstract]

Janson, A.; Dickhaut, E. & Leimeister, J. M. (2022): Designing for Cultural Values: Towards a Theory-motivated Method for Culture-sensitive Adaptation of Information Systems. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) [Full Text]

Klee, S. & Janson, A. & Leimeister, J. M. (2022): Data Analytics for Effective Decision-Making in Crises - Identifying Relevant Data Analytics Competencies for Automotive Procurement Departments. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) [Full Text]

Schmitt, A.; Wambsganss, T. & Janson, A. (2022): Designing for Conversational System Trustworthiness: The Impact of Model Transparency on Trust and Task Performance. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Timișoara, Romania. [Full Text at AISeL]

Schöbel, S.; Schomberg, S.; Barev, T. J.; Grote, T.; Janson, A.; Hornung, G. & Leimeister, J. M. (2022): Zum Datenschutz gestupst? Gestaltungsorientierte Entwicklung von Privacy Nudges vor dem Hintergrund ethischer und rechtlicher Leitlinien. In: Selbstbestimmung, Privatheit und Datenschutz, Wiesbaden. [Full Text]

Schwede, M.; Zierau, N.; Janson, A.; Hammerschmidt, M. & Leimeister, J. M. (2022): “I Will Follow You!” – How Recommendation Modality Impacts Processing Fluency and Purchase Intention. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) [Full Text]

Wambsganss, T.; Janson, A.; & Leimeister, J. M. (2022): Enhancing Argumentative Writing with Automated Feedback and Social Comparison. In: Computers & Education. Vol. 191, Issue: December, 104644. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2022.104644 [Full Text]

Wambsganss, T.; Janson, A.; Käser, T.; & Leimeister, J. M. (forthcoming in 2022): Improving Students Argumentation Learning with Adaptive Self-Evaluation Nudging. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6(CSCW2). doi 10.1145/3555633: [Full Text]

Weinert, T.; Thiel de Gafenco, M; Billert, M. S.; Janson, A.; Klusmeyer, J. & Leimeister, J. M. (2022): Handlungsbroschüre. Ko-Kreative Entwicklung von Lernmaterialien im Arbeitsprozess in der Fertigungsindustrie – Eine anwenderzentrierte Betrachtung. Kassel University Press, Kassel. doi: 10.17170/kobra-202206016269 [Full Text]


Barev, T. J.; Schwede, M. & Janson, A. (2021): The Dark Side of Privacy Nudging – An Experimental Study in the Context of a Digital Work Environment. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) [Full Text]

Barev, T. J.; Schöbel, S.; Janson, A. & Leimeister, J. M. (2021): DELEN – A Process Model for the Systematic Development of Legitimate Digital Nudges. In: International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST). [Fulltext]

Benner, D.; Schöbel, S. & Janson, A. (2021): Exploring the State-of-the-Art of Persuasive Design for Smart Personal Assistants. In: International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), Duisburg-Essen, Germany. [Full Text]

🥇 Benner, D.; Schöbel, S. & Janson, A.: It is only for your own good, or is it? Ethical Considerations for Designing Ethically Conscious Persuasive Information Systems. In: Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Montreal, Canada: Association for Information Systems 2021, *Top 25% Paper* [Full Text at AISeL] 

Benner, D.; Elshan, E.; Schöbel, S. & Janson, A. (2021): What do you mean? A Review on Recovery Strategies to Overcome Conversational Breakdowns of Conversational Agents. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2021. [Full Text]

Dickhaut, E.; Li, M. M.; Janson, A. & Leimeister, J. M. (2021): Developing Lawful Technologies – A Revelatory Case Study on Design Patterns. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) [Full Text]

Dickhaut, E.; Janson, A. & Leimeister, J. M. (2021): The Hidden Value of Patterns – Using Design Patterns to Whitebox Technology Development in Legal Assessments. In: 16th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2021), University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. [Full Text]

Grünenfelder, J. I.; Zierau, N. & Janson, A.: Alexa, are you still there? Understanding the Habitual Use of AI-Based Voice Assistants. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). 2021 [Full Text]

Janson, A.; Kreidel, L.; Schöbel, S.; Hornung, G.; Söllner, M. & Leimeister, J. M. (2021): Datenkompetenz durch edukatives Privacy Nudging: Zentrale Prinzipien und Effekte auf Lernprozesse. In: Aufwachsen in überwachten Umgebungen: Interdisziplinäre Positionen zu Privatheit und Datenschutz in Kindheit und Jugend. Hrsg./Editors: Stapf, I.; Quinn, R. A.; Friedewald, M.; Heesen, J. & Krämer, N. Verlag/Publisher: Nomos, Baden-Baden, Germany. Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2021. pp. 255-277. [Full Text]

Knote, R.; Janson, A.; Söllner, M. & Leimeister, J. M. (2021): Value Co-Creation in Smart Services: A Functional Affordances Perspective on Smart Personal Assistants. In: Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), Number: 2, Vol. 22, Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2021. pp. 418-458. [Full Text of unedited Paper] [Link to edited Journal Paper]

Leimeister, J. M.; Dickhaut, E. & Janson, A. (2021): Design Pattern as a Bridge Between Problem-Space and Solution-Space. In: Engineering the Transformation of the Enterprise - A Design Science Research Perspective. Hrsg./Editors: Aier, S.; Rohner, P. & Schelp, J. Verlag/Publisher: Springer, Cham, Switzerland. Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2021. pp. 137-150. [Fulltext]

Schmitt, A.; Wambsganss, T.; Söllner, M. & Janson, A. (2021): Towards a Trust Reliance Paradox? Exploring the Gap Between Perceived Trust in and Reliance on Algorithmic Advice. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). [Full Text]

Schmitt, A.; Zierau, N.; Janson, A. & Leimeister, J. M. (2021): Voice as a Contemporary Frontier of Interaction Design. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) [Full Text]

Schöbel, S.; Saqr, M. & Janson, A. (2021): Two decades of game concepts in digital learning environments – A bibliometric study and research agenda. In: Computers & Education Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2021. Vol. 173. November Issue. pp. 1-23 doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2021.104296. [Full Text]

Schöbel, S.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M., Janson, A. & Sunyaev, A. (2021) Adaptive and Personalized Gamification Designs: Call for Action and Future Research. In: AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (THCI) Number: 4, Vol. 13. pp. 479–494. doi:10.17705/1thci.00158. [Full Text] 

Schomberg, S.; Dickhaut, E.; Barev, T. J. & Janson, A. (2021): Mithilfe von Privacy Nudging zu rechtsverträglichen Videokonferenztools. In: INFORMATIK 2021 – 51. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, Berlin. [Full Text]

Söllner, M., Janson, A., Rietsche, R., & Thiel de Gafenco, M.. (2021). Individualisierung in der beruflichen bildung durch hybrid intelligence. potentiale und grenzen. Zeitschrift für berufs- und wirtschaftspädagogik, Special Issue 31, pp. 163-181. [Abstract]

Tolmeijer, S.; Zierau, N.; Janson, A.; Wahdatehagh, J.; Leimeister, J. M. & Bernstein, A. (2021): Female by Default? – Exploring the Effect of Voice Assistant Gender and Pitch on Trait and Trust Attribution. In: CHI EA '21: Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. doi: 10.1145/3411763.3451623  [Full Text]

Wambsganss, T., Janson, A., Söllner, M., & Leimeister, J. M.. (2021). Ai-based argumentation tutoring – a novel system class to improve learners’ argumentation skills. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Academy of Management (aom). doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2021.10233abstract [Abstract]

Weinert, T.; Benner, D.; Dickhaut, E.; Janson, A.; Schöbel, S. & Leimeister, J. M. (2021): Unterstützung digitaler Bildungsprozesse durch interaktive gamifizierte Lernvideos - Wie innovative Lernvideos Motivation und Lernerfolg steigern können. In: HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Springer Nature. Year: 2021. [Full Text]

Zierau, N.; Flock, K.; Janson, A.; Söllner, M. & Leimeister, J. M. (2021): The Influence of AI-Based Chatbots and Their Design on Users’ Trust and Information Sharing in Online Loan Applications. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) [Full Text]


🏆 Barev, T. J.; Janson, A. & Leimeister, J. M. (2020): Designing Effective Privacy Nudges in Digital Environments: A Design Science Research Approach. In: 15th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST), *Vinton G. Cerf Award* [Full Text]   

Billert, M. S.; Weinert, T.; Janson, A. & Leimeister, J. M. (2020): Co-Creation durch Peers im digitalen Lernen – Wie Plattformen und Chatbots die Partizipation bei der Lernmaterialerstellung begleiten können. In: HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Ausgabe/Number: 57, Vol. Personennahe Dienstleistungen der Zukunft, Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2020. Seiten/Pages: 1-22. [Full Text]    

Dickhaut, E.; Janson, A. & Leimeister, J. M. (2020): Codifying Interdisciplinary Design Knowledge through Patterns – The Case of Smart Personal Assistants. In: Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST), [Full Text]   

Dickhaut, E.; Thies, L. F. & Janson, A. (2020): Die Kodifizierung von Gestaltungswissen in interdisziplinären Entwurfsmustern - Lösungen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Rechtsverträglichkeit und Dienstleistungsqualität. In: Datenschutz und Datensicherheit (DuD), Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2020. Seiten/Pages: 584–588. [Full Text]    

Dickhaut, E.; Thies, L. F.; Janson, A.; Leimeister, J. M. & Söllner, M. (2020): Entwurfsmuster für die interdisziplinäre Gestaltung rechtsverträglicher Systeme. In: Forum Privatheit. Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2020.   

Dickhaut, E.; Miedzianowski, N.; Jandt, S.; Janson, A.; Knote, R.; Leimeister, J. M.; Roßnagel, A.; Söllner, M. & Thies, L. F. (Hrsg.) (2020): Handlungsbroschüre. Anforderungs- und Entwurfsmuster zur rechtsverträglichen und qualitätszentrierten Gestaltung kontextsensitiver Applikationen (AnEkA). Handlungsempfehlungen zur Gestaltung von Anforderungs- und Entwurfsmustern. Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2020. Verlag/Publisher: ITeG Technical Reports, Kassel, Germany.    

Dickhaut, E.; Janson, A.; Roßnagel, A. & Leimeister, J. M. (2020): Interdisziplinäre Anforderungsmuster für smarte persönliche Assistenten - Mittel zu Erfassung divergenter Anforderungen aus Informatik und Recht. In: Datenschutz und Datensicherheit (DuD), Vol. 44, Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2020. Seiten/Pages: 579–583. [Full Text]    

Dickhaut, E.; Thies, L. F.; Janson, A.; Roßnagel, A. & Leimeister, J. M. (2020): Judging Alexa - Towards a New Methodology to Capture the Legal Compatibility of Conversational Speech Agents. In: Workshop on Conversational User Interfaces: A Workshop on New Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives for Researching Speech-based Conversational Interactions in ACM IUI, [Full Text]   

Dickhaut, E.; Thies, L. F.; Janson, A.; Roßnagel, A. & Leimeister, J. M. (2020): Towards a New Methodology to Capture the Legal Compatibility of Conversational Speech Agents. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Conversational User Interfaces (CUI), [Full Text]   

Dickhaut, E.; Janson, A. & Leimeister, J. M. (2020): Wie können Systeme künstlicher Intelligenz ohne Qualitätsverlust rechtsverträglich gestaltet werden?. In: Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management , Ausgabe/Number: 2, Vol. 12, Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2020. Seiten/Pages: 90-100. [Full Text]    

Ernst, S.-J.; Nölker, J. & Janson, A. (2020): Leitfaden für kultursensitives E-Learning - Entwicklung auf Basis qualitativer Interviews. In: Export beruflicher Aus- und Weiterbildung - Entwicklung und Evaluation kultursensitiver Lerndienstleistungen am Beispiel China. Hrsg./Editors: Leimeister, J. M. & Klusmeyer, J. Verlag/Publisher: SpringerGabler, Wiesbaden, Deutschland. Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2020. Seiten/Pages: 47-67.   

Ernst, S.-J. & Janson, A. (2020): Mobile Kompetenzentwicklung am Beispiel der „MoKe“ App. In: Export beruflicher Aus- und Weiterbildung - Entwicklung und Evaluation kultursensitiver Lerndienstleistungen am Beispiel China. Hrsg./Editors: Leimeister, J. M. & Klusmeyer, J. Verlag/Publisher: SpringerGabler, Wiesbaden, Deutschland. Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2020. Seiten/Pages: 71-88.   

Janson, A.; Thiel de Gafenco, M.; Klusmeyer, J. & Leimeister, J. M. (2020): Aufbau und Ablauf des kuLtig-Projektes. In: Export beruflicher Aus- und Weiterbildung - Entwicklung und Evaluation kultursensitiver Lerndienstleistungen am Beispiel China. Hrsg./Editors: Leimeister, J. M. & Klusmeyer, J. Verlag/Publisher: SpringerGabler, Wiesbaden, Deutschland. Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2020. Seiten/Pages: 13-17.   

Janson, A.; Ernst, S.-J. & Söllner, M. (2020): Kulturelle Werte im Rahmen der Aneignung von IT-gestütztem Lernen. In: Export beruflicher Aus- und Weiterbildung - Entwicklung und Evaluation kultursensitiver Lerndienstleistungen am Beispiel China. Hrsg./Editors: Leimeister, J. M. & Klusmeyer, J. Verlag/Publisher: SpringerGabler, Wiesbaden, Deutschland. Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2020. Seiten/Pages: 21-46.   

🥇 Janson, A.; Söllner, M. & Leimeister, J. M. (2020): Ladders for Learning: Is Scaffolding the Key to Teaching Problem Solving in Technology-mediated Learning Contexts? In: Academy of Management Learning & Education (AMLE), Ausgabe/Number: 4, Vol. 19, Verlag/Publisher: Academy of Management. Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2020. Seiten/Pages: 439-468. *Shortlisted as Best AMLE Paper 2020* [Full Text]    

Leimeister, J. M.; Dickhaut, E. & Janson, A. (2020): Der Ansatz von Mustern zur systematischen Steigerung der Rechtsverträglichkeit und Dienstleistungsqualität bei der Entwicklung soziotechnischer Systeme. In: Mensch - Technik - Umwelt: Verantwortung für eine sozialverträgliche Zukunft. Festschrift für Alexander Roßnagel zum 70. Geburtstag. Hrsg./Editors: Hentschel, A.; Hornung, G. & Jandt, S. Verlag/Publisher: Nomos, Baden-Baden, Deutschland. Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2020. Seiten/Pages: 131-147.   

Schöbel, S.; Janson, A.; Jahn, K.; Kordyaka, B.; Turetken, O.; Djafarova, N.; Saqr, M.; Wu, D.; Söllner, M.; Adam, M.; Heiberg Gad, P.; Wesseloh, H. & Leimeister, J. M. (2020): A Research Agenda for the Why, What, and How of Gamification Designs Results on an ECIS 2019 Panel. In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2020. [Full Text]    

Schöbel, S.; Janson, A. & Söllner, M. (2020): Capturing the complexity of gamification elements: a holistic approach for analysing existing and deriving novel gamification designs. In: European Journal on Information Systems (EJIS), Ausgabe/Number: 6, Vol. 29, Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2020. Seiten/Pages: 641-668. doi: 10.1080/0960085X.2020.1796531 [Full Text]    

🏆 Schöbel, S.; Barev, T. J.; Janson, A.; Hupfeld, F. & Leimeister, J. M. (2020): Understanding User Preferences of Digital Privacy Nudges – A Best-Worst Scaling Approach. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), *Best Paper Award* [Full Text]   

Schöbel, S.; Schomberg, S.; Barev, T. J.; Grote, T.; Janson, A.; Hornung, G. & Leimeister, J. M. (2020): Zum Datenschutz gestupst? Gestaltungsorientierte Entwicklung von Privacy Nudges vor dem Hintergrund ethischer und rechtlicher Leitlinien. In: Forum Privatheit  

Thies, L. F.; Dickhaut, E.; Janson, A.; Roßnagel, A.; Leimeister, J. M. & Söllner, M. (2020): Die Simulationsstudie als Evaluationsmethode - Interdisziplinäre Evaluation eines smarten persönlichen Assistenten. In: Datenschutz und Datensicherheit (DuD), Vol. 44, Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2020. Seiten/Pages: 589–593. [Full Text]    

Weinert, T.; Janson, A. & Leimeister, J. M. (2020): Does Context Matter for Value Co-Creation in Smart Learning Services? In: 15th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2020), [Full Text]   

Zierau, N.; Elshan, E.; Visini, C. & Janson, A. (2020): A Review of the Empirical Literature on Conversational Agents and Future Research Directions. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), [Full Text]   

🥇 Zierau, N.; Wambsganss, T.; Janson, A.; Schöbel, S. & Leimeister, J. M. (2020): The Anatomy of User Experience with Conversational Agents: A Taxonomy and Propositions of Service Clues. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), *Best Theory Award First-runner Up* [Full Text]   


Barev, T. J. & Janson, A. (2019): Towards an Integrative Understanding of Privacy Nudging – Systematic Review and Research Agenda. In: 18th Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS (ICIS), [Full Text]   

Janson, A.; Degen, O. & Schwede, M. (2019): Designing for Social Presence and Leveraging the Outcomes of Customer Service Chatbots. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM), Boston, Massachusetts, USA. [Full Text]   

Janson, A. (Hrsg.) (2019): Improving Processes and Outcomes in Digital Learning Environments - Empirical Foundations and Design Principles for Scaffolding in Technology-mediated Learning. Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2019. Verlag/Publisher: kassel university press, Kassel, Germany. [Full Text]   

Janson, A.; Thiel de Gafenco, M.; Klusmeyer, J. & Leimeister, J. M. (2019): Theoriegeleitete und nutzerzentrierte Entwicklung von digitalen Lernangeboten und Dienstleistungen. In: Berufsbildung International. Digitalisierung. Aufl./Vol.. Verlag/Publisher: DLR Projektträger, Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2019. [Full Text]   

Knote, R.; Janson, A.; Söllner, M. & Leimeister, J. M. (2019): Classifying Smart Personal Assistants: An Empirical Cluster Analysis. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Maui, Hawaii, USA. [Full Text]   

Schneider, T. & Janson, A. (2019): Gamified Feedback durch Avatare im Mobile Learning. In: 14th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), Siegen, Germany. [Full Text]   

Schomberg, S.; Barev, T. J.; Janson, A. & Hupfeld, F. (2019): Ansatz zur Umsetzung von Datenschutz nach der DSGVO im Arbeitsumfeld: Datenschutz durch Nudging. In: Datenschutz und Datensicherheit - DuD, Ausgabe/Number: Issue 12, Vol. December 2019 Volume 43, Verlag/Publisher: Springer Fachmedien. Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2019. Seiten/Pages: 774-780. [Full Text]    

Schomberg, S.; Barev, T. J.; Janson, A. & Hupfeld, F. (2019): Ansatz zur Umsetzung von Datenschutz nach der DSGVO im Arbeitsumfeld: Datenschutz durch Nudging. In: Informatik 2019 - 49. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), Kassel, Germany. [Full Text]   

Schöbel, S.; Janson, A. & Mishra, A. N. (2019): A Configurational View on Avatar Design – The Role of Emotional Attachment, Satisfaction, and Cognitive Load in Digital Learning. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), [Full Text]   

Schöbel, S.; Janson, A.; Hopp, J. C. & Leimeister, J. M. (2019): Gamification of Online Training and its Relation to Engagement and Problem-solving Outcomes. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM), Boston, Massachusetts, USA. [Full Text]   

Simmert, B.; Weinert, T.; Janson, A.; Peters, C.; Ebel, P. & Leimeister, J. M. (2019): Kontinuierliche Verbesserung von internationalen Geschäftsmodellen in der Berufsbildung. In: Berufsbildung International. Geschäftsmodellentwicklung. Aufl./Vol.. Verlag/Publisher: DLR Projektträger, Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2019. Seiten/Pages: 32-33. [Full Text]   

Weinert, T.; Janson, A.; Thiel de Gafenco, M.; Urbon, U.; Wegener, R. & Mauritz, C. (2019): Nutzung von interaktiven Videos zur Entwicklung von Arbeitsprozessorientierung in der Aus- und Weiterbildung – Erkenntnisse aus dem Projekt KoLeArn. In: Berufsbildung International. Digitalisierung. Aufl./Vol.. Verlag/Publisher: DLR Projektträger, Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2019. [Full Text]   


Eigenbrod, L. & Janson, A. (2018): How Digital Nudges Influence Consumers - Experimental Investigation in the Context of Retargeting. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Portsmouth, UK. [Full Text]   

Eigenbrod, L.; Janson, A. & Leimeister, J. M. (2018): How Digital Nudges Influence Consumers – The Role of Social and Privacy Nudges in Retargeting. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM), Chicago, IL, USA. [Full Text]   

Ernst, S.-J.; Janson, A.; Söllner, M. & Leimeister, J. M. (2018): Mobiles Lernen in praktischen Trainings - Lernzielerreichung vor dem Hintergrund von Motivation und Akzeptanz der Zielgruppe. In: Handbuch Mobile Learning. Hrsg./Editors: Witt, C. d. & Gloerfeld, C. Verlag/Publisher: Springer VS, Wiesbaden, Germany. Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2018. Seiten/Pages: 409-431. [Full Text]   

Janson, A. & Schöbel, S. (2018): Nudging Privacy in Digital Work Systems – Towards the Development of a Design Theory. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), San Francisco, CA, USA. [Full Text]   

Knote, R.; Janson, A.; Eigenbrod, L. & Söllner, M. (2018): The What and How of Smart Personal Assistants: Principles and Application Domains for IS Research. In: Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI), Lüneburg, Germany. [Full Text]   

Schneider, T.; Janson, A. & Schöbel, S. (2018): Understanding the Effects of Gamified Feedback in Mobile Learning – An Experimental Investigation. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), San Francisco, California, USA.  

Schöbel, S. & Janson, A. (2018): Avatar Designs are in the Eye of the Beholder – About Identifying Preferred Avatar Designs in Digital Learning. In: Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS (ICIS) , San Francisco, California, USA. [Full Text]   

Schöbel, S. & Janson, A. (2018): Gamifying Information Systems - Improving Motivation and Effective Use Through a Theory-motivated Method. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), San Francisco, CA, USA. [Full Text]   

Schöbel, S. & Janson, A. (2018): Is it all about Having Fun? - Developing a Taxonomy to Gamify Information Systems. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Portsmouth, UK. [Full Text]   

Söllner, M.; Bitzer, P.; Janson, A. & Leimeister, J. M. (2018): Process is king: Evaluating the performance of technology-mediated learning in vocational software training. In: Journal of Information Technology (JIT), Ausgabe/Number: 3, Vol. 33, Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2018. Seiten/Pages: 233-253. [Full Text]   

Thiel de Gafenco, M.; Janson, A. & Schneider, T. (2018): KoLeArn – Smarte und kontextsensitive Aus- und Weiterbildung für die chinesische Industrie. In: Die 16. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik (DeLFI), Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Frankfurt am Main, Germany. [Full Text]   


🥈 Ernst, S.-J.; Janson, A. & Söllner, M. (2017): Mobiles Lernen für China – eine iterative Prototypenentwicklung. In: Wirtschaftsinformatik Konferenz (WI) 2017, St. Gallen, Switzerland. *Best Prototype First-runner Up*  [Full Text]   

Ernst, S.-J.; Janson, A.; Peters, C. & Leimeister, J. M. (2017): Understanding IT-Culture Conflicts to Drive Successful Technochange Projects – a Case Study. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, South Korea. [Full Text]   

Janson, A. & Söllner, M. (2017): How Technology-Enhanced Scaffolding Contributes to Problem-Solving Outcomes in Management Education. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM), Atlanta, Georgia, USA. [Full Text]   

Janson, A.; Söllner, M. & Leimeister, J. M. (2017): Individual Appropriation of Learning Management Systems—Antecedents and Consequences . In: AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, Ausgabe/Number: 3, Vol. 9, Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2017. Seiten/Pages: 173-201. [Full Text]   

Janson, A.; Peters, C. & Leimeister, J. M. (2017): The Efficient Provision of Culture-Sensitive Services: A Modularization Approach. In: Serviceology for Smart Service System. Hrsg./Editors: Sawatani, Y.; Spohrer, J.; Kwan, S. & Takenaka, T. Verlag/Publisher: Springer, Tokyo, Japan. Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2017. Seiten/Pages: 147-157. [Full Text]   

Janson, A.; Söllner, M. & Leimeister, J. M. (2017): The Impact of Procedural Scaffolding on Mobile Learning Outcomes. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM), Atlanta, Georgia, USA. [Full Text]   

Schöbel, S.; Janson, A.; Ernst, S.-J. & Leimeister, J. M. (2017): How to Gamify a Mobile Learning Application – A Modularization Approach. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, South Korea. [Full Text]   


Ernst, S.-J.; Janson, A.; Li, M.; Peters, C. & Söllner, M. (2016): IT-Kulturkonflikttheorie und ihre Bedeutung für erfolgreiches Service Systems Engineering - Fallstudie eines Einführungsprojektes für mobile Lernanwendungen in China. In: Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI), Ilmenau. [Full Text]   

Ernst, S.-J.; Janson, A.; Söllner, M. & Leimeister, J. M. (2016): It’s about Understanding Each Other’s Culture – Improving the Outcomes of Mobile Learning by Avoiding Culture Conflicts. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dublin, Ireland. [Full Text]   

Janson, A.; Ernst, S.-J. & Söllner, M. (2016): How Cultural Values Influence the Appropriation of Technology-Mediated Learning. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Istanbul, Turkey. [Full Text]   

Janson, A.; Söllner, M. & Leimeister, J. M. (2016): The Appropriation of Collaborative Learning – Qualitative Insights from a Flipped Classroom. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Kauai, Hawaii, USA. [Full Text]   


Ernst, S.-J.; Janson, A.; Söllner, M. & Leimeister, J. M. (2015): Kulturkonflikte vermeiden – Mobiles Lernen für China. In: Mensch & Computer 2015, Stuttgart, Deutschland. [Full Text]   

Ernst, S.-J.; Janson, A.; Söllner, M. & Leimeister, J. M. (2015): When in Rome, do as the Romans do – Overcoming Culture Conflicts in Mobile Learning. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Fort Worth, Texas, USA. [Full Text]   

Janson, A.; Söllner, M. & Leimeister, J. M. (2015): Determinanten und Effekte sinngetreuer Nutzung von Learning Management Systemen. In: Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) Konferenz 2015, Osnabrück, Germany. [Full Text]   

Janson, A. & Thiel de Gafenco, M. (2015): Engaging the Appropriation of Technology-Mediated Learning Services – A Theory-Driven Design Approach. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Münster, Germany. [Full Text]   

Janson, A.; Peters, C. & Leimeister, J. M. (2015): The efficient provision of culture-sensitive services – a modularization approach. In: 3rd International Conference on Serviceology (ICServ 2015), San Jose, CA, USA. [Full Text]   

🥇 Janson, A.; Söllner, M. & Leimeister, J. M. (2015): Towards a Holistic Understanding of Technology-mediated Learning Appropriation. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Fort Worth, Texas, USA, *Best Research-in-Progress Nominee* [Full Text]   

Janson, A. (2015): Understanding and Engaging the Appropriation of Technology-mediated Learning – A Theory-driven Design Approach. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2015, Doctoral Consortium, Fort Worth, Texas, USA. [Full Text]   

Lehmann, K.; Oeste, S.; Janson, A.; Söllner, M. & Leimeister, J. M. (2015): Flipping the Classroom – IT-unterstützte Lerneraktivierung zur Verbesserung des Lernerfolges einer universitären Massenlehrveranstaltung. In: HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Ausgabe/Number: 1, Vol. 52, Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2015. Seiten/Pages: 81-95 (DOI: 10.1365/s40702-014-0102-4     ) . [Full Text]   

Oeste, S.; Lehmann, K.; Janson, A.; Söllner, M. & Leimeister, J. M. (2015): Redesigning University Large Scale Lectures: How To Activate The Learner. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM), Vancouver, BC, Canada. [Full Text]   


🏅 Bitzer, P. & Janson, A. (2014): Towards a Holistic Understanding of Technology-Mediated Learning Services - A State-of-the-Art Analysis. In: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Tel Aviv, Israel. *Best Track Paper (Service Track) & Best Paper Nominee Overall Conference* [Full Text]   

Hammer, N.; Janson, A. & Leimeister, J. M. (2014): Does culture matter? A qualitative and comparative study on eLearning in Germany and China. In: 27th Bled eConference, Bled, Slovenia. [Full Text]   

Janson, A.; Ernst, S.-J.; Lehmann, K. & Leimeister, J. M. (2014): Creating Awareness and Reflection in a Large-Scale IS Lecture – The Application of a Peer Assessment in a Flipped Classroom Scenario. In: 4th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning (ARTEL 2014) to be held in the context of EC-TEL 2014, Graz, Austria. [Full Text]   

Janson, A.; Peters, C. & Leimeister, J. M. (2014): Der Weg zur effizienten Bereitstellung kultursensitiver Dienstleistungen - erste Schritte mittels systematischer Modularisierung. In: Dienstleistungsmodellierung 2014, Wien. [Full Text]   

Janson, A.; Söllner, M.; Bitzer, P. & Leimeister, J. M. (2014): Examining the Effect of Common Method Variance in Technology-mediated Learning Research. In: First AIS-Journals Joint Author Workshop (Pre-ECIS 14 Workshop), Tel Aviv, Israel. [Full Text]   

Janson, A.; Söllner, M.; Bitzer, P. & Leimeister, J. M. (2014): Examining the Effect of Different Measurements of Learning Success in Technology-mediated Learning Research. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Auckland, New Zealand. [Full Text]   

Oeste, S.; Lehmann, K.; Janson, A. & Leimeister, J. M. (2014): Flipping the IS Classroom – Theory-Driven Design for Large-Scale Lectures. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Auckland, New Zealand. [Full Text]   

Söllner, M.; Janson, A.; Peters, C. & Leimeister, J. M. (2014): The Impact of the Individual – Relating Cultural Differences to the Appropriation Process of Technology-mediated Learning Services. In: Annual AIS SIG Services Pre-ICIS Workshop 2014, Auckland, New Zealand. [Full Text]   


Janson, A.; Hoffmann, A.; Hoffmann, H. & Leimeister, J. M. (2013): How Customers Trust Mobile Marketing Applications. In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Milano, Italy. [Full Text]