
Dr. Andreas Janson

Postdoctoral Researcher @ University of St.Gallen, CH
Institute of Information Systems and Digital Business (IWI-HSG)
https://iwi.unisg.ch/ - Link to University Profile
E-Mail: andreas [DOT] janson [AT] unisg [DOT] ch

Lecturer and Guest Researcher @ University of Kassel, GER
Information Systems Department and Interdisciplinary Center for Information Systems Design (ITeG)
https://www.wi-kassel.de - https://www.uni-kassel.de/go/aja
E-Mail: andreas [DOT] janson [AT] uni-kassel [DOT] de

Professional Profiles:


Andreas Janson is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of St.Gallen, CH and the Institute of Information Systems and Digital Business (IWI-HSG) and leads projects funded by the SNSF and Innosuisse. He graduated in Information Systems (IS; Wirtschaftsinformatik ) at the University of Kassel, where he received his PhD with highest distinction ("summa cum laude"). Afterwards, he worked as Post Doc and Project Manager at the University of Kassel and the Interdisciplinary Research Center for IS Design (ITeG), where he led a research group with PhD students considered with service design in various domains. After joining the University of St.Gallen as an International Postdoctoral Fellow , he is still external lecturer and guest researcher at the University of Kassel. 

His research interests are generally in understanding digital services and their design in different domains and contexts, for example digital services, digital learning and aspects such as gamification and digital nudging. The papers co-authored by Andreas have been published in several high-calibre journals across disciplines (e.g.,  ISR, JAIS, JIT, EJIS, Computers & Education, AMLE, Computers in Human Behavior, CAIS, AIS THCI) and peer-reviewed conference proceedings (continously ICIS, ECIS, DESRIST, HICSS, WI). He was also a ICIS Doctoral Consortium (class of 2015) participant. He is currently ranked on position 16 (top 5% - also best position of all Swiss researchers) of the most productive management researchers under 40 in the German speaking region (according to Wirtschaftswoche/KOF ETHZ Forschungsmonitoring). Andreas acquired research funds across various funding agencies, including basic research funds as well as applied research, funded with approximately €2.2m from third-party funds such as SNSF, BMBF and DFG. 

His research was continuously recognized as outstanding, indicated through various best paper nominations and awards. His research has received best paper awards from the AIS (AIS Best Conference Paper on Education Award 2024), at HICSS (2020) and DESRIST (2020 & 2023), was first runner-up at ICIS (2020) for the best theory paper and first runner-up at WI 2017 for the best prototype paper. In addition, his work was continously nominated as best papers at ICIS (2015; 2020; 2024), ECIS (2014), HICSS (2020; 2023). He was also invited to the Junior Faculty Consortium at the Academy of Management Meetings 2019 & 2022 at the OCIS/CTO division. His reseach network consists of more than 60 co-authors from interdisciplinary backgrounds. 

Andreas served the academic community through his work as review coordinator for ICIS 2019 and review-/program management at WI 2017. Andreas co-organized the German-speaking Information Systems Junior Faculty Consortium "Wirtschaftsinformatik-Nachwuchs-Treffen 2023" in St. Gallen. Currently, Andreas is appointed as Associate Vice President for Education Curations by the  Association for Information Systems (AIS). In his continuous academic service, he serves as a Track Chair for WI 2022/2023/2024, DESRIST 2024, AMCIS 2023, as an Associate Editor at ICIS, ECIS, AOM CTO Division, and WI, and as reviewer for various international journals (e.g., MISQ, JAIS, EJIS, BISE, AIS THCI, ISJ, JIT, Electronic Markets) and conferences (e.g., ICIS, ECIS, HICSS, ACIS, WI, DESRIST). He was recognized as Best Associate Editor at ECIS 2024, multiple times as outstanding reviewer at EJIS and nominated as best reviewer at ICIS 2018 and WI 2021. He is also member of various academic groups such as the AOM, CTO and MED Division, the Association for Information Systems (AIS), Association for Computing Machinery – Special Interest Group Computer-Human Interaction (ACM SIGCHI), German Federal Network for Consumer Research of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, and German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB). For his research contributions and service to the AIS, Andreas was named AIS Distinguished Member Cum Laude in 2022.

In his teaching, Andreas taught since 2013 every semester major courses at the University of St.Gallen and Kassel, both on Bachelor and Master degree level, including Introduction to Business Informatics ("Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik"), Data-driven Service Innovation and Design, and Research Practice Ventures: Low-Code Development Platforms. In this context, he was a collaborateur in the teaching project "Flipped Classroom Concept for IS Lectures" (awarded with the AIS Award for Innovation in Teaching). Andreas also holds a certificate for didactics at the University level (LLukas, issued by the University of Kassel). He advised numerous bachelor and master theses that developed into research papers and were recognized as outstanding theses by the German Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) for the best E-Learning Bachelor Thesis 2015 as well as the by the Fujitsu NEXT IT Innovation Award 2020

Short CV


Acquisition of a Doctoral Degree (Dr. rer. pol.) with the Ph.D. thesis “Improving Processes and Outcomes in Digital Learning Environments – Empirical Foundations and Design Principles for Scaffolding in Technology-mediated Learning" (with highest distinction - "summa cum laude")

Studies of Communication Management and Dialog Marketing (Master of Arts) at Kassel University

Topic of Master Thesis: “Mobile Loyalty Programs and Trust” (presented at ICIS 2013 as Completed Research)

Studies of Economic Science (Diploma) at Kassel University with focus on “Accounting, Taxes and Controlling“ and “Marketing and International Management“

Topic of Diploma Thesis: “Basics and Potentials of the Web 2.0 for Interactive Marketing”

Work Stations

Since Oct 2020: Postdoctoral Researcher (International Postdoctoral Fellow funded by the Basic Research Fund of the University of St.Gallen) and Project Manager at the University of St. Gallen, Institute of Information Management (IWI-HSG)

Since November 2018: Postdoctoral Research and Project Manager at the University of Kassel, Information Systems Department and ITeG (from Oct 2020 as Lecturer and Guest Researcher)

Jun 2013 - Oct 2018 Researcher and Ph.D. Student at the University of Kassel, Information Systems Department and ITeG

Previous experience at B.Braun Melsungen AG, SMA AG and as Student Research Assistant (University of Kassel)

Research Interests

Research Visits

Academic Achievements

Invited and Public Talks (selection)

Activities in the Information Systems and Wirtschaftsinformatik Community