Imperial Law

The Jade Lotus Empire values peace and prosperity within it's borders, Imperial Law maintains this order throughout the Land.

Imperial Laws

Imperial Laws are enforced and punishable by the Imperial Guard. 

Crimes of an egregious nature may be addressed by the Imperial Court

Punishments for violating Imperial Law may result in a Warning, Fine, or Imprisonment.

Imperial Rights

All Imperial Rights are guaranteed by the Imperial Guard. 

An individual has the right to contractually waive some or all of their rights to another individual with the use of a signed contract that is to be reviewed by the court. This contract must not exceed service in the amount of one year. Individuals who hold an indentured servitude contract are required by law to provide food in the amount that lines up with the recommended feeding habits of the species that is in service, Shelter, and basic hygiene supplies. Failure to adhere to the basic care required can result in an investigation by an Adjudicator to determine the contract's validity.

Any citizen accused of a crime has the right to a duel of honor, commonly referred to as an Honor Duel. The accused party may name a champion to fight in their stead, however the the accusing guard may not. The champion chosen to represent the accused party is not obligated to perform this duty. If the accused wins the duel they are cleared of all charges brought forth from the given interaction. However, in the event the accused loses, their punishment may be escalated.

Citizens of the Empire are allowed to carry weapons at all times except within the Imperial Palace provided they are properly peace bound. Imperial Guilds and businesses may have their own rules regarding weapons. Proof of citizenship may be requested from individuals brandishing weapons. 

In the event the Imperial Court makes a ruling that the empire as a whole feels conflicts with what is best for the Jade-Lotus, Imperial Citizens have the right to protest through non-violent means. This includes requesting a private Court for Jade Citizens only, requesting the audience of the court itself, or non-violent means of protesting that do not inhibit or endanger guests, guardsmen, or fellow citizens. This right is taken away if the protesting party breaks any of the Imperial Laws, requests the aide of an outside party, or trades/sells personal information regarding the Empire, her people, or her Court for their own gain.