Jade Lotus Empire

The Jade Lotus Empire is a high fantasy asian-themed faction based on eastern mythology and cultures blended within the realm and setting of Sincadere. 


The Beginning

The Jade Lotus Empire was founded many generations ago after the defeat of the Great Red Tyrant. For over five centuries, Celestial dragons built the Empire's capital and expanded while shrouded in a mist that completely hid them away from the rest of Sincadere. During their removal, the Jade was seen less of a real place and more of a myth lost to time, when that was the absolute furthest from the truth. Within the enchanted mists did the Jade thrive and prosper, developing its own unique and rich cultures, beliefs guided by Celestial magic, and nurturing a special bond with the spirits in the forms of Kami and ancestors. With their guidance, the mists soon dissipated, allowing all of Sincadere to behold.  With the capital no longer veiled from the eyes of the world, the empire has flourished with smaller towns and villages on the vestiges of their borders, all protected by its benevolent imperial army.


In response to the unmonitored, chaotic use of magic threatening the stability of the Great Forest and creeping towards the Jade, the Empire's leaders made a choice seen as a last resort. With the guidance of their spirits and the power bestowed upon them by Celestial magic, as well as the will of their people, the Empire's capital rose from the ground. With this act, the Jade had forever separated itself from the nations below. To this day, the only means to reach the grand city is by flight, the aid of magic, or the use of the few portals placed within the lands below.

The sudden retreat of the Celestial dragons who once protected the Jade and watched over the empire, left the people in a state of uncertainty and unrest. The populace had long grown accustomed to the whims and woes of the dragons, and with their absence of both wisdom and power, the empire entered a state of uneasy silence. Peace rang, but the people feared it was some sort of calm before that of a mighty storm. But where metaphorical darkness and uncertainty clouded the people's minds, a voice came forward to act as a beacon of light: Empress Kurai. With her stepping into power, the Yokai has presented a new face to the empire and the promise of prosperous change. In this time of reconciliation, many changes sweep over the Jade Lotus Empire.


How do I join the Jade Lotus Empire?

To become a citizen of the Jade Lotus Empire one need only fill out simple documentation and turn it into the Nekoyami of the Imperial Welcome Center. They will make sure this important document is forwarded to the Imperial court where they will process the papers! If at any time the paperwork seems lost please feel free to resubmit or request an audience with the Imperial Court. 

What can I do without joining Jade Lotus Empire?

The Jade Lotus Empire welcomes all visitors to the Capital, asking only that non citizens either remove or peace bind their weapons. Commerce is booming in the city and opportunity abounds for those who are not of the Empire. Owning a business and certain legal protections are not afforded non-citizens. 


The Jade Lotus Empire has a rich culture filled with yokai and kami, this abundance ties in with the spirituality of Imperial citizens. The relationship with the kami and the yokai provides many blessings and mischief in the daily lives of the Empire. The belief in the celestial order of life implies that everyone has a place and that where one starts is not the end, second chances are not always defined by fate. A rich food culture exists within the empire sake, sushi, fresh meat and vegetables can always be found here. The ‘Tenets of the Empire’ are reflected in how citizens treat others and live their lives. 


The Jade Lotus Empire is a land of transplants, with no claims of native roots in Sincadere. Nekoyami make up a large percentage of the population, being small feline anthromorphs. As a society they take after their feline roots, curious, mischievous, crafty. They are fiercely loyal to the Empire and despite their smaller stature are known to be cunning warriors. Mysteriously their names always are four characters, even imperial scholars are unsure to the reasons for this and the Nekoyami themselves seem amused by efforts to determine why. Yokai, Elves, Eastern Dragons, and many other species also call the Jade Lotus their home. 


The capital of the Jade Lotus Empire floats majestically in the air above the northeastern corner of Sincadere, a series of Divinium laced islands bound together by the sacred tree and carefully floating in a seemingly random path. It never leaves a specific portion of the continent and can be accurately tracked with simple observation or previous knowledge. The capital is a sparsely populated city, spread out save for pockets of mercantile and guilds their gabled roofs standing out uniquely compared to other architecture of Sincadere. The spiritual nature of the Empire is prevalent throughout, with clear markings celebrating spirits and ancestors dotting the landscape, above it all the Imperial Palace lords protectively as if looking over the capital is it's sacred duty. 

Places of Interest

The Sacred Tree

The commanding presence of the Sacred Tree is the pillar by which the Jade Lotus stands, spirits float effortless around it's thick trunk, wisps find shelter under it's profound crown, and magic seeps from it like so much sap, it forms the center of the Capital, wherein all else orbits.

Location: Center of the Jade Lotus Empire

The Imperial Welcome Center

Servicing as the go-to spot for those new to the Empire to gain some guidance as well as enlightenment, the Imperial Welcome Center aims to answer any and all inquiries one may have as they explore the Jade. Citizenship papers are dropped here and sent to the Palace, and the library upstairs harbors interesting books that detail the empire of old, and how it came to be. 

Location: Near the Entry Gate

The Entry Gate

As the Jade is high within the mountains and in the air- many portals can be found within Sincadere that all connect to this gate. The Entry Gate is closely guarded but inviting to all, servicing as a checkpoint to ensure no dangers to the empire may breech the peaceful capital.

Location: Entry Gate

The Palace

The palace is where the Emperor/Empress as well as their Imperial Court collect together for meetings of simple or sensitive natures or simply to enjoy a chat and cup of tea. Whether it is a meeting for cordial business such as Open Courts or closed occasions such as Training Drills, the palace is both the resting spot of the royal family and the gathering spot of the nobles.

Location: The Palace

The Yokai Forest

A place shrouded with darkness and infused with carnal desire, the Yokai forest houses most if not all the Yokai of malicious or mischievous intent and everything else in between. It is also known that one of the five Kami shrines calls these dark woods its home.

Location: Yokai Forest