Imperial Jobs & Guilds

Within the Empire idle hands can always be put to work, and a lonely soul find a place to call home.

Imperial Job

Court Leader



Imperial Butler/Maid - Lead
Imperial Gardener
Imperial Hairdresser

Imperial Tailor

Imperial Masseuse

| The Imperial Advisor

| Administration of The Palace

| Open Position

| ()

Imperial Chef - Lead
Imperial Sous-Chef
Imperial Cook
Imperial Sommelier
Imperial Taste Tester

| The Imperial Advisor

| Food Preparation for the Palace

| Open Position

| ()

Imperial Record Keeper - Lead

Imperial Messenger 

Imperial Rumor Monger 

Imperial Whipping Boy/Girl

| The Underhand

| Record and Message Management

| Open Position

| ()

Imperial Entertainer - Lead




| The Underhand

| Entertainment

| Open Position

| ()

Shrine Priest - Lead

Shrine Maiden 

Shrine Monk 

| The Jade Oracle

| Aiding with Spiritual Communion

| Open Position

| ()

Imperial Envoy

| The Empress

| Special Messenger for the Empress

| Open Position

| ()

Imperial Guilds

Fables of Fortune

Leader: The Curator | Rhatha Saengduean | (HollowDHeart) | Website

"How may we help fortune's winds propel you into favorable tides?"

The Fables of Fortune is a Guild of like-minded individuals who all seek to read, write, and experience adventures. However, every person's idea of adventure is unique to the adventurer! While some may enjoy travelling on the road, others may find letting their minds explore be more exciting.

Through their Adventure Guild, Archives, and Mercantile endeavors the Fables of Fortune aim to collect and expand the knowledge available to their members and the Imperial Leadership. Led by the Curators and guided by the Guardian these Chroniclers and Pathfinders will spread throughout Sincadere on their intrepid mission.

And if there is a job to be completed, the Fables of Fortune are up to the task!

Guild Slot #2


Guild slot is available within the Jade Lotus Empire

Guild Slot #3


Guild slot is available within the Jade Lotus Empire