What's in it for you

Many members of the group are Veterans, who have trained as Range Safety Officers, Instructors, Woodland Survival, Combat Medical, and we have medical on staff and much more. Some of the skills you will learn to help you survive and improve your chances are Homesteading, Living off the land, Ham Radio, Security, Firearm safety, Group Security, Hunting and Gathering, and much more. If there is something that is not listed on our site, feel free to ask. We have a large network of people that have many different back grounds and we may be able to offer a class for you.

For Living off the land: We have guys that have completed several top military Survival courses such as: SERE Army , Navy, and Marines ( Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape ), Combat medical, buddy aid, first aid, riot control, marksman, guide, tracker, and many more. During Hunting Seasons ( Coming up soon) we follow all laws, and do trapping, fishing ( making items from the land ) Huntings alone and with groups, gathering wild food ( we have a professional that has appeared on the Discovery Channel TV Show) as well as military training for gathering in the woods. We talk about and train in simple debris huts to building larger structures. We combine a lot from different fields of training to build a complete project.

Homesteading is a bit trickier and harder to explain here. There are many factors to take into account to make a proper plan for that. For example: How many in the group or in their family. Are they looking to survive or thrive? Active levels? How long do they want to prep for and how much time they have for it. Some of the things for Home Steading we talk about or train on, depending on level of interest, Aquapoincs, Hydroponics, Rabbitry, Gardening and rotations, How to recycle and composting, waste management and hygiene, and much more in this area. We also guide people with processing an animal from walking to the plate ( not professional butchering)


Ham Radios, We have Ham License operators that are able to administer real test for anyone who may be interested in getting their Technician up to General. There is $15 fee per person for the test to get the license, that is to cover the Test. I do not collect this fee. An administrator comes out for this. You do no have to pay for any test if you don't want to, but you wont be able to test, but you can still learn all the info you want or care to know about Ham.

We will also be using 2 ways, on non licensed channels, for communications. You will learn proper radio verbiage and run comms during ops.

Security Details

Each person will train in Security. This is one of the most important things that anyone can do, other than the basic survival skills (food , water, shelter, and medical). If you can not protect yourself, loved ones, or supplies, then you will find out you are going to lose just about everything pretty quickly. We train each person in what i called the level of escalations. There are many stages and steps to prevent someone from harming or stealing something from you, other than just pulling the trigger. We want to stop a "threat" with the lowest possible level of confronting. We will also work with concealed firearm handling, and reloading techniques. There is a lot that goes into this and it's far to long to explain here, but there is a set training and scenarios we go through and must pass before being part of this group.

Specialty Firearms Groups

We have a strict Trust but verify policy. This means we don't take someone's said skills at face values. Again this helps separate Call of Duty Snipers from the real ones. Any skill set that is not in our local group, we have a network across the state that we will have one of these members meet up with you and run you through a few test to confirm said info. Again this is a safety issue and Safety is key here. Specialty Firearm groups will train in defense only tactics. You will learn how to move with a group, how to in gauge with verbal communication with the threat, levels of escalation, how to secure your area, self protection techniques, and much more.

We have Military Trained Range Safety Officers that will supervise firearms training for new members. Firearm training is conducted in stages, for safety reasons. Anyone who want to carry a gun, placed on a security detail, or be part of hunting parties must all complete a basic safety course with us. It's like the Hunter Safety Course with real hands on training and basic infantry standards. There is no exceptions to this rule, even if you are America's top Sniper. This ensures everyone is on the same page, that each person knows how to handle, clear, and clean their own firearms and to make a safe environment for everyone. There is a National Standard for shooting. We do qualifications for each firearm the members want to carry or use. After completing a safety, qualification, cleaning, and handling courses, the member will be authorized to carry in the group and apply to be part of other groups such as the ones listed above.

Gathering food:

There are two groups here, Hunting parties and Trapping parties.

Trapping Parties: In Georgia there are several traps that a lot of people have seen on Youtube and other guide books that are illegal to use while hunting and we talk about that and how to trap legal in Georgia. There a several traps that we will build and use. We will trap animals within the law and only during the seasons that they are allowed. This also includes gathering wild eatables We offer some knowledge on gathering wild eatables and have some people from our larger network that can come and set up a training class and go more in depth. Fishing and making fishing supplies from the wild will be taught and practiced and then the catch will be cleaned and cooked or preserved for use for the group.

Hunting Parties:

Must complete the basic firearm course and qualify on the shooting course as well as complete group movement training. Again this is for safety reasons. Again there is no waiver here nor compromise. Safety is never compromise for a quick gain. Each person must have the state licenses and stamps required to hunt in the state of Georgia. Those who can not acquire these licenses can still participate in learning to hunt, track, clean, prep the game, process it, and cook it.

We will also have training on difference between bug in an bug out plans. We will offer someone to come out to your home, at some point if you want, to look over your area and show you weak spots. We talk about food storage and supplies, medical gear needed, and what is really important if you need to leave. There are thousands of cool gadgets they sell online, tv, and stores that aren't really needed. We will talk about how to make a few things from the woods that will save you from carrying extra items.

Water Purifications Techniques,

We set up a plan for the group for Water purification, collections, and how to recycle the water to get the best use out of this resource that is really hard to come by outside of the home. This blends into our long term camp plan mixed with homesteading plan. You will learn how to filter water with natural items or items collected from items found, how to make the water safe, and how to store water for use later. As a group, we set up a system to use water and get the most use of it. From drinking, to cleaning and showers, to collecting gray water and using it for the garden, there are many skills and practices that will be taught for long term and short term experiences.

Land Navigation:

You will learn how to read maps, set and plot a route, learn pace counts, use a compass and terrain association in both woodland and urban environments.

When we have our camping events, we have different scenarios we would run. We have 2 state wide events we hold with other teams across the state and practice our skills, share info, cross train with other groups, and take our new knowledge in areas we are weak and build from there. The goal is to keep working until you have a smooth operation and keep improving.