
What is a Brotherhood/ Sisterhood?

The dictionary defines this in simple terms as: an association, society, or community of people linked by a common interest, religion, or trade, but this goes so much deeper that this.

A brotherhood/sisterhood means so much more than just an association of liked minded people. For different people it means different things. For the military, veterans, officers, fire fighters, and rescue persons it means a unbreakable bond, a unwaivering commitment, and unshakable trust, and selfless sacrifice that you share with your fellow man. You train together, sleep next to each other, share stories, lend a hand when needed, trust each other, become close like family, and protect each other when the need arises. In many cases with these guys and gals are willing to lay their lives down for one another if needed. They share hardships and good times together, they learn from each other's experience, stand up for one another, and always have each other backs. No matter what the challenge is that lays ahead, they know they have someone who they can lean against.

For others, it's a bond of trust, care, and respect for one another. Very similar the above, its someone you can call on when you are down, someone that will lend a hand, someone who respect you and your values, and much more.

The goal for the group is the brotherhood/sisterhood. It take work and training and getting to know one another for who they are and the respect for one another. If this is something you would like to be apart of, then again, you have came to the right place.