
Will you and you're family be able to survive if you are really threatened? Do you know what you'll need to escape or survive? Where will you be and are you going to be alone? What if you have to go somewhere, anywhere but where you are? Would you know where to go or how to get there if roads are down? What if the net, phones, and power grid goes down, would you know what to do? Do you have a plan and have you tested it? These are a few questions that we will help you get answered as well as many more.

We train usually once a month sometimes twice a month, on a Saturday and we do overnight camping 2 - 3 times a year.

Since this is a group based training and everyone has different work schedules, we have a flex training schedule. You will sent a text message or email on Monday letting you know we are going to train for that Saturday. You reply yes or no, if you can make it, and we confirm you for that training.

You are responsible for your own gear, food, water, and supplies. Don't worry if you do not have all the gear listed in our gear list. You can get it over time or be loaned some items during training and returned at the end of training.

Training will be conducted on Saturday and mostly outside in the environment and exposed to all types of weather and climate conditions.

There are several items of focus we train for. Below is a small list of skills you will learn from us.

Water collection and making water safe

Food and Food Storage

Food Prep Tools and Methods



Energy / Batteries / Lighting

Alternative Energy

Communications / Radios

First Aid / beyond just the basics

Sanitation / Personal Hygiene


Fishing / Hunting /Trapping

Firearms and Firearm Safety

Financial Security



Living Low Profile, Stealth and Tactical

Survival Reference Books

Man-made or Natural Disaster Scenario Defensive Plans

Shelter / Backup plan if displaced / Temporary shelter

Bug Out Plan and Bug In plans

Survival Kits per application

Barter items

Building / Construction Tools and Supplies


Personal Interests