is the major I took in my degree. If painting and drawing are 2D media, and sculpture is 3D media, Time-based Media is a 4D media of traditional artworks! It has the element of time, movement, as well as sound.

Aatinouu (II)

The media for this artwork is drawing, Happening and back-masked poem. This is my first artwork of time-based media.

Happening is when audiences took part in the artwork. And back-masked poem is poem I made specially for this work in which I reversed a poem I made. This work is about woman discrimination.

Ageet Aatinouu

The media for this artwork is animation and back-masked poem. This artwork was made in my second semester of learning time-based.

I used woman as a superhero as a symbolism for this artwork.


The media for this artwork is animation, performance art, projection art and back-masked poem. This was made when I was in the third semester of learning time-based.

I used the concept of kintsugi in my artwork to tell about hopes for woman.


The media for this artwork is animation, Happening and back-masked poem.This work is a simple animation and is about stereotypes on male and woman.