Here, I will show you my collection of digital artworks and design. The different between traditional art and digital art is that traditional considered of creating work using physical medium/media like paints or charcoal, while digital art is created using digital devices such as phones or laptop using various of application such as Photoshop, Medibang, or Adobe Illustrator. 

Since high school, I am interested in doing digital art and design but I took fine art to learn the fundamental of art. Therefore, in my free time, I try to explore myself on digital art because the concept, application on principle and elements of arts are quite the same, just different medium. I also had an industrial training (internship) at a graphic design company, Mega RGB Melaka where the exposed me to a lot of basic training of using Adobe Illustrator to design works like banner or bunting, business card, as well as logo. 


Most of my digital artworks are quite random in the aspects of subjects. Mostly for commission and competition. But I also do a lot of portrait style study in my free time. I tried to explore styles that suit me, and I am still finding hehe. 


Here, I will show you the graphic designs I made when I was in my internship. 

Banner and Bunting



Business Card

Others - artwork and DIGITAL Advertisements