Generally means to make markings by using lines. One of the most obvious characteristic of drawing that the artworks are done by using dry media, such as pencil, pen, pastel, or charcoal.

For most artists, drawing is the most basic and fundamental to master. As in drawing, we would learn a lot of constructing structure as well as render. These skills can be utilized in other area of art. Drawing is also mostly used in sketches or planning of artwork which is why it is so important to get used to it. 


Pictures below are the examples of my drawing sketches I made before proceeding to create the real artworks. 

Artworks of Drawing

Besides doing sketches, drawing can also be finalized as artwork! As long as it is a marking on surfaces and usually by using dry media, it is called a drawing! In my study at UiTM, there is a specific subject for Drawing and we are told to make drawings with chosen themes and issues/working titles. During my degree, the working titles I used were feminism - in the early of the semester - and in the end of the semester, I changed it to superhero comic drawing. So my works are mostly towards the issues. Other than that (non-academic), my drawings are pretty much random in the aspect of theme and issues such as covid, and epic of Hang Tuah.


Media: Charcoal and Bitumen on Canvas

Size: 594 x 841 mm (A1)

This drawing is made for my final year project during my diploma and it was about the appreciation towards my grandfather who was a policeman and an artist. It is a set of police attire on an easel in which becomes my subject matter.

Aatinouu (I)

Media: Charcoal and Bitumen on Canvas

Size: 6ftx3ft

This artwork talks about woman's discrimination and to show how women are strong in their own way. The Queen Chess symbolizes the power women have in their life to move along within their strength and do not need men to rely on. 


Media: Charcoal and Acrylic Paint on Drawing Paper

Size: 594 x 841 mm (A1)

This drawing is about how imagined paranoid is during the chaotic scene of Covid-19. How everyone is scared and take safety and hygiene to the next level at that time or else your body will get infected with diseases.

This drawing was sold by a doctor in the same year I made it. 

Miss KUroNA

Media: Charcoal on Drawing Paper

Size: 594 x 841 mm (A1)

This drawing was drawn together with Paranoid. The name, Miss KUroNA is a pun I made for my friend named Kuna who becomes the model and because the drawing is about Coronavirus hence the title. Coronavirus also means Crown Virus, and that was why I put a crown on top of the figures.

Highlighted Chapter: The Liar

Media: Charcoal and Acrylic Paint on Canvas

Size: 420 x 594 mm

This drawing is based on our fear of the Apocalypse where everything goes topsy-turvy and in this work particularly, it is about the revelation of Dajjal/Anti-Christ - from a political view. 

From an autobiographical view, it talks about the Shadow in myself (Shadow as in Carl Jung's Theory of Four Archetypes) in which the socially unacceptable of myself was I like to lie to comfort people and to be accepted in the community.

Portrait of Hazman

Media: Charcoal on Paper

Size: 420 x 594 mm

This drawing is an exercise I made when I was in diploma. It is the first portrait I made that I think is successful and actually looks good! The model is my online friend, Hazman. 

Di Mata Tuah

Media: Charcoal and Acrylic Paint on Paper

Size: 420 x 594 mm

The painting portrays the climax scene in Hikayat Hang Tuah in which Jebat was suspected as a killer by Tuah

There is another work called Di Mata Jebat, in which how Jebat sees Tuah as he is killing him

Collections of Drawings