February 21-24, 2023

IWSDS 2023

Los Angeles, USA

University of Southern California Institute for Creative Technologies

Important Dates:

(All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC-12, Anywhere on Earth) 

The paper submission system is now open: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/IWSDS2023 (authors must have a Microsoft CMT account to submit a paper)

Special session and workshop proposals submission deadline: September 20, 2022

Special session and workshop notifications: September 29, 2022

Paper title, author, and abstract submission deadline: October 28, 2022 - extended to November 1, 2022 

(Title, authors, and abstract cannot be changed after November 1, PDF can be updated until November 8)

Paper (PDF) update deadline: November 4, 2022 - extended to November 8, 2022

Author notifications: December 16, 2022

Camera ready papers due: January 20, 2023 - extended to January 30, 2023

Workshop: February 21-24, 2023