
About me

My name is Itsue Nakaya-Pérez (they/them). I was born and raised in Mexico City. Currently, I am doing my PhD in Philosophy at The Graduate Center, The City University of New York [CUNY]. Before that, I did my undergraduate studies at the National Autonomous University of Mexico [UNAM]. During that time, I was also a fellow of the Affiliate Students Program at the Institute for Philosophy Research (UNAM).

How do we classify people? What effects does it have on our identity and behavior? How can we resist or improve those classifications? These are some of the questions that interest me the most. I am also interested in the self; in particular, in the ontology, agential capacities, and political importance of non-traditional selves. Broadly, my work falls under the areas of Social Ontology, Feminist and Decolonial Philosophy, and Philosophy of the Special Sciences. You can read more about my philosophical interests in 'Research'.

I believe that philosophy is enriched by the community and community is enriched by philosophy. I also believe that philosophy is constituted by others and by our experiences. For that reason, I like to be involved in activities that allow me to be in touch with different groups of people. You can read more about my community involvement in 'Community' and 'Teaching'.

Outside philosophy, I enjoy doing sports, painting, writing poetry, hanging out with friends, and befriending animals. I also make jokes on Twitter; they are not analytical (so they are funny). For my alternative blog, a list of the graduate courses I have taken, and random things, see 'Blog'.

That's me. And those are some pics I like of me.