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Turnitin is integrated within Moodle. To learn how to add a Turnitin assignment to your course, click here Creating Turnitin Assignments in Moodle.

Turnitin is a resource that checks student papers against a database of Internet publications and (for duplication) previously submitted student papers. For each paper submitted, Turnitin returns an originality report that identifies, if necessary, passages that may have been plagiarized.

You can also access Turnitin.com directly via a web browser, but there are multiple additional steps to follow. You will first need to create an account with your Centre credentials, create a course, then an assignment, then submit a paper on behalf of your student(s). You may also type a portion of a paper directly into Turnitin.com’s website, or you have your students submit the paper electronically to the web-based system.

Contact Kristi Jenkins in ITS at kristi.jenkins@centre.edu or x5573 for further information or assistance.