Centre Network

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Wired Network Access

Wired network access (network outlets in the wall or floor) is limited to classrooms and offices, as well as lab areas. Centre no longer provides wired access to the network in our residential buildings as our wireless network is more cost-effective, reliable and commonly used by our students.

Employees should use the wired network for their office computers whenever possible.

Wireless Network Access


Centre ITS recommends that you connect your Laptop, desktop and mobile devices to our Eduroam wireless network (note: some consumer devices are not capable of connecting to Eduroam due to the use of enterprise encryption.) Eduroam provides a secure, encrypted connection to the Centre College network that is equivalent to being connected to a wired network outlet, as well as access to thousands of higher education institutions around the US and around the world.  Please see the Eduroam Network Access link at the right for instructions.  Eduroam cannot be used for game consoles and miscellaneous devices (see below for directions for connecting these devices to the wireless network.)

To set up Eduroam access on your device, please follow this link.


CentrePublicWifi is a wireless network designed as convenience-only Internet access for guests on campus. Bandwidth is limited and campus employees and students should use Eduroam, or in the case of consumer-grade devices, the “Centre” wireless network.


If you cannot connect your device to Eduroam (Kindle Paperwhite, most game consoles, Roku, or other consumer devices) you will need to register your device for use on the “Centre” wireless network. You must register your device before you can access this network. To register your device, please follow this link.