Grade 11


Errors, debugging, and mathematical methods;  Mathematical Methods
Nested Loops;  Using Nested Loops; Creating shapes using nested Loops
Arrays;  Searching and Sorting Arrays;  Parallel Arrays
Introduction;  Built-in string methods;  Delimited strings;  Built in Date-Time methods
Introduction to Text Files;  Reading from a Text File;   Writing to a Text File;  Creating Reports
Introduction to User-defined methods;  Procedures; Functions;  Basic input validation techniques
Introduction;  Multi-form user interface;  Dynamic Instantiation of Objects
Introduction;  Creating a database;  Connecting to a database;  Reading data from a database;  Writing data to a database;  Manipulating data


Additional videos by Mr Long:  "Series on Microsoft Access Databases that particularly covers the content in Grade 11 and 12 CAT (Computer Applications Technology) and IT (Information Technology)."

Mr Long's YouTube channel

Date and Time by Mr Long