IT Grade 10


Basics of Algorithms;  Algorithm quality; Creating Algorithms; Flowcharts
Opening Delphi and exploring the Delphi IDE;  Components and Properties;  Creating a Simple Delphi Project;  Events; Syntax
Data types;  Variable and component Names;  Declaring variables and Components;  Assigning values to variables; Converting Data Types;  Errors
Basic Operators; Formatting Numbers; Mathematical Functions; Variable Scope Decisions in Algorithms; Boolean expressions and the if-then statement;  Boolean operators;  If-then-else statement;  Nested if-then statement;  Case statementIntroduction;  String Comparison;  Validating data;  IN operatorIntroduction;  Using the listbox and combobox components;  Repetition concepts;   FOR...Do loop;  Looping with components;  Using the Input box; REPEAT....UNTIL loop; loop;  Apply loop structures;  Initializing variables using the onshow event;  TimersIntroduction;  Combining strings and determine the length of a string;  Formatting strings;  Scrolling through a sting;  Manipulating strings

Term 4:  PAT (see above)


Mr Long's lessons on Loops

Mr Long's YouTube channel

Mr Long -  Lessons on Strings

Multiple Forms in Delphi by Mr Long

Memo and Rich Edit Controls 

Dandel10n Delphi Books

P. Naidoo Youtube Channel

Video Lessons - Joubert Duvenhage