Digital StoryTelling Resources

At the Heart of Telling Stories Digitally is…..The Story.

ISTE Digital StoryTelling Network prides itself in being process forward and tool agnostic.

To better help you in that process we share the following resources to help you ignite the passion of Digital StoryTelling with your students.

Below are the links to Digital StoryTelling Resources 7 Steps and 6 Elements

7 StoryMaking Steps by Bernajean Porter

Take 6 Elements of StoryTelling by Bernajean Porter

Tech4Learning supports the process of Digital StoryTelling with these articles written and inspired by Bernajean Porter.

The Art of Digital Storytelling

Digital Storytelling in the Classroom

Digital Storytelling Across the Curriculum

DSN Prof Develop Training Mini Videos - DSN created a set of 5 short videos to help our members and others. They summarize the basics of launching Digital Storytelling starting with Bernajean Porter’s Got Story...or Not? Do You Know the Difference? Followed by Starting Story, Power of Storyboard, and 2 on the Power of Imagery in image, voice, music, sound, transitions, and effects (a total of about 30 min).

Enjoy and Please feel free to use with your peers and students.