
Twitter Chats - (Monthly, follow #ISTESTEM)

Recordings & Resources

ISTE STEM + Buncee

Tuesday, 6-8-2021


Women in STEM

Twitter Chat

Thursday, 3-18-2021

7:30 PM EST

Equity in STEM Education

Twitter Chat

Thursday, 2-18-2021

7:30 PM EST

Teacher Wellness / Self Care

Twitter Chat

Thursday, 1-28-2021

7:30 PM EST

Science Everywhere!


ISTE STEM Virtual Playground


STEAM Power From a Distance

Get creative using art and technology to elevate authentic learning with connection and collaboration.

Improve Your Work from Home Life in 10 Minutes a Day

Emmy Award Winning TED Speaker, Medical Clown, Fitness Instructor and Tactical Arts Consultant Matthew Wilson shares simple, actionable self-care solutions geared specifically for educators working from home.

Access Password: 1l%$8y92

Matthew Wilson

Book Talk

STEAM POWER - Join us for an all day slow chat starting at 6am EST followed by a 7pm live chat with author Tim Needles

Tim Needles

STEAM POWER - Join us for an all day slow chat starting at 6am EST followed by a 7pm live chat with author Tim Needles

Let's Talk

Topic: Let's Talk Online Learning Websites Elementary Edition

Start Time : Apr 30, 2020 02:09 PM

Meeting Recording

Access Password: 6n*l&481

ISTE Let's Talk Websites


ISTE STEM and Beep Hosts Virtual Field Trip on Cars of the Future: Artificial Intelligence and Automated Vehicles

Apr 16, 2020 12:30 PM EST

This is one you don't want to miss! Get an insider’s view of how driverless shuttles, that are meant for people, are transporting COVID-19 tests instead. See how Beep is using artificial intelligence and autonomous shuttles in the fight against COVID-19. Beep in Orlando, Florida is opening its doors nationwide to students through a virtual field trip. Students will see how Beep is using artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics to develop smarter automated vehicles.

Let's Talk Virtual Trips

Thurs, April 2nd from 5:30-6:30 pm

View the recording HERE & the slides HERE

Art + Engineering = Maker Education in Chile

Feb 6, 2020 at 6 pm EST

Hour of Code: Ozbot CSEd

Dec 11th at 7pm EST

Hour of Code: Creator Bots

Dec 12th at 7 pm EST

STEAM Away with BrainPop!

December 5th at 6 pm

View recording here:

The ISTE STEM PLN is proud to offer you an informative December webinar right before Computer Science Education week! Join your host Steven Jones, ISTE STEM Co-Chair, and presenters Rosie Santiago and Wilfredo Padilla to learn about BrainPOP's Make-a-Movie and Creative Coding. They will share how both foster creativity while students learn and interact with content.

STEM PLN and 3Doodler: Design Challenge +

Social-Emotional Learning

November 14, 2019

6:00pm Central, 7:00pm Eastern

Making Through Play

Nov 7, 2019

6 pm central, 7 pm eastern

Join ISTE STEM and the Early Learning Network for a bilingual webinar on making! Your two hosts are Steven Jones and Rosie Santiago from the STEM PLN, and our featured panelist is Analucia Tejada from the Early Learning PLN! She is a Technology Teacher at an international school in Guatemala and works with three to six year olds. Participants will learn about some of the theory that can support them with the design of a makerspace they can implement in their classroom, ensuring it is a safe place for little hands. The design that will be presented is based on Marina Bers’s Positive Technological Development Framework, which focuses on ensuring every child’s participation, with an emphasis on young children's social emotional needs. This framework aligns with ISTE Standards for Students. The first thirty minutes of the webinar will be in English and the last thirty minutes will be in Spanish.

STEM PLN & Early Learning Network:

Making through Play


Watch Recording: Developing Authentic Learning Experiences With Middle School STEAM

Are you in the early stages of creating and implementing a STEAM curriculum at your school? Discover some effective ways to structure your class offerings, document learning for future growth of the program, and create learning experiences for students that will resonate with them and benefit others. Topics covered include digital fabrication, Tinkercad Codeblocks and introducing artificial intelligence.

Welcome to our mini webinar featuring PrintLab! Come and join your host Steven Jones, ISTE STEM PLN Co-Chair and Jason Yeung, Co-Founder of PrintLab. Educators will be introduced to the resources PrintLab has to offer including a 3D printing curriculum and lessons based around Assistive Technology.

Click to view recording

Get Started with the Lunar Gateway Coding Challenge!

Click to view recording

Audience: Educators and STEM integrators (US and International) Level: Beginner Prerequisites: None

Computer Science Fundamentals: How to Teach K-8's Six Essential Coding Concepts (Free to register & watch!)

Sponsored by Wonder Workshop

Charlotte Cheng, Curriculum Specialist, Wonder Workshop; and

Faith Plunkett, Technology Coach, Decatur City Schools, AL

New Digital Tools for Science Education

Join the STEM Network and Kimberlee Moran, Associate Teaching Professor and Director of Forensics at Rutgers University and researcher for the Arch Street Project, to learn about different platforms that augment science education and promote active learning at all levels.

Click the image to access the webinar

Empowering Learners To Be Proactive Digital Citizens

The webinar reviews the three elements of the New Digital Citizenship model from ISTE. Emphasis will be placed on recent activities modeled for teachers on Digital Interactor using the Think Before You Post lesson from Breakout EDU and the Digital Self lesson created using BrainPOP's Online Safety video, Discovery Education's Digital Footprint transcript and Padlet.


By: Jorge Valenzuela

Computational thinking (CT) is a higher order problem-solving and cross-curricular skill. As CT is understandable to both machines and humans, in this session educators will learn to draw on familiar concepts that connect their previous learning to foundational computer science (CS) practices that involve designing solutions that leverage the power of computing. Join this webinar with educational coach Jorge Valenzuela. Jorge will share authentic examples, best practices, and resources for helping any educator get started with mastering CT.