STEM Excellence Award

2021 Award Winner

The STEM PLN would like to congratulate Dr. Kaman Hung as our 2021 STEMFLUENCER Award Winner!

We are amazed at the number of people who are assertively promoting STEM education across grades, curricula, and venues. Thank you to ALL the applicants whose work helps our students flourish.

2020 Award Winner

2019 Award Winner

STEM 2019 Excellence Award.pdf

2018 Award Winner

2017 Award Winner

Dr. Helen Crompton

Professor of Instructional Technology Old Dominion University Virginia USA

Dr. Helen Crompton is a professor of Instructional Technology at Old Dominion University in Virginia. In her work, she draws on 24 years in education and a PhD in Educational Technology and Mathematics Education from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. After serving on ISTE’s Mobile Learning Network, Dr. Crompton began consulting for ISTE. She designed both the ISTE self-paced Mobile Learning Academy and the Verizon Mobile Learning Academy. Helen is a leader in world issues involving mobile learning, and works with UNESCO and the International Telecommunications Unit, both divisions of the United Nations. Dr. Crompton has presented globally on the topic of educational technology and published over 200 articles, book chapters, and white papers in the field. When we contacted Dr. Crompton to tell her she won the award, she was excited, humble, and said she just stepped out to take the call. She told us she was in a workshop to which we responded, “Of course you were.” On behalf of the ISTE STEM Professional Learning Network, We are honored to present the 2017 ISTE STEM Excellence Award to Dr. Helen Crompton.

2016 Award Winners