Saturday Working Update

As per our latest community communications we will now be working on Saturdays from 8:00 to 13:00 inline with our Construction Management Plan approved by Camden Council. These works will include piling, muckaways and steelwork.

If anyone has any issues please contact us on 07814 074801.

Construction update

Winter 2022

The concrete frame is continuing to move forward at pace and has recently reached level 2. The ramp from Langton Close to the basement goods yard has recently been completed which allows deliveries to access the basement levels. The access from gate 2 to Grays Inn Road is being formed to establish site access as we move in to the fit out phase. The fit out at basement level also commenced in December which is a major milestone.

Autumn 2022

Following on from our progress on the ground floor, the final slab pour was completed in early October, and work on the ground floor ISV commenced. The progress of this floor was completed swiftly, and thereafter construction of the first floor began, with the first slab pour taking place in late October. This left the project in a great place for the winter.

Summer 2022

By the end of June, the B2 ISV slab was completed. Subsequently work started on the B1 level. Great progress was made on the B1 level throughout summer, with the floor completed midway through August. As the summer came to a close, the gantry was removed in order to make space for construction of the ground floor. Work on the decking for the ground floor began in late August, along with the first ground floor slab pour.

Spring 2022

After the conclusion of the "bulk dig", work on the concrete frame began. In early March, blinding was completed in the basement, meaning we could begin pouring the basement slab and retaining walls. By the end of May, all columns, walls and slabs in the basement had been completed which would be crucial to start work on the next floor, B2 ISV.

Winter 2021

Following on from the piling operations coming to a close we began the "bulk dig". This was achieved using a 50T excavator which loaded vehicles with earth on our gantry where we have removed circa 20,000 cubic meters of earth. Our excavation of the double storey basement will be coming to a close soon and we will shortly be moving on to the commencement of the concrete frame.

Autumn 2021

After concluding the demolition of the Levy, Victoria and Sussex wings we began carrying out our piling works. You would have seen multiple rigs putting foundations in the ground forming a concrete wall for our basement. We are now finishing off the capping beam to the tops of these piles and have started installing multiple large steel struts and steel gantry.

These are particularly important to enable us to move into the next phase of works. The “bulk dig” where we will be excavating to form our double storey basement. Ready for our next phase of works where we will start constructing the frame.

Construction timeline

Development commenced in July 2020 and initially saw the project site being prepared for development. Our priority before works began was to ensure that we had a safe and secure site. The focus of the works throughout 2020 and 2021 is preparing the site, demolition works, preparing foundations and starting to create the basement. Through 2022 to 2023 the structure will begin to take shape with the building façades added to create a watertight structure to begin internal fit out. The final works will involve completion of internal fit out, landscaping and commissioning building services by mid-2024.

Please see an overview of our project programme below.

Construction management

We have a Construction Management Plan in place, which goes into some more detail about how the project is being managed at demolition phase and will evolve as we progress with construction. We are continually working with Camden Borough Council to review and agree our plans, so please check back here for updates.

In order to reduce the impact of the development on the environment we will introduce a series of controls focusing on noise, dust and vibration effects. These will be reviewed throughout to ensure that they remain effective. The following controls will give you an idea of what we have in place:

  • Ongoing monitoring of noise, dust and vibration along the site boundary walls

  • Alert system in place advising the construction team of potential increases in noise, dust and vibration received at the monitors

  • Dust suppression systems in place and hardstanding areas for regular vehicle movement

  • Lorry sheeting and covering all waste receptacles leaving site

  • Material stockpile management on site

  • Perimeter hoarding and scaffold monoflex

  • Acoustic barriers

  • Boot wash and wheel washing facilities

  • Staff induction to site process

  • Training and awareness for all staff working on site

  • Specific noise training modules

Construction logistics

Our Construction Management Plan includes detailed analysis of construction logistics with a plan put together on how we we make use of the local road infrastructure, but equally how we can minimise impact on local people. Our project operates to Construction Logistics and Community Safety standard and is subject to six monthly external monitoring visits.